Dreaming of White Walls

Someday, maybe in a year, maybe in two or three or eight – Dominic and I will pack up our home and move again. When we purchased our first home, our current home, we thought we would be here for a good 5-10 years. But now, a move might be sooner than we planned.

Cue #vaguebooking. My apologies.

If you’re confused, don’t worry, I am too. We just don’t know our home status as it’s mostly related to Dominic’s work. In between living IS NOT my expertise. This unknown of one year, two years, x years … uh! So, while I still work to settle into our home (we’re planning a room swap soon), I’m also simplifying and starting to think through things I’d like in a future home.

Top o’ the list is a pantry. Lordy, this mama needs a pantry. Right after that is white walls. I’m sooooo over beige. Well, technically “macadamia nut”. Hence, I’m dreaming of white walls. Crisp, clean and the perfect contrast for our leather couches and the splash of color I want I add here and there.

For posterity … my inspiration:

Untitled design1 /// 2 /// 3 /// 4 /// 5 

A bevy of love, wouldn’t you agree? Flower prints and a billion pillows, subway to the tile AMEN, patterned throw + burlap = love, that bright painted canvas is pure brilliance, we have a black bed and white bedspread and now I just need a green chair. Yep, totally inspired! 

Are you living in your forever home? Planning a move sometime in the future? What are you dreaming of? 

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  1. says

    We are just about to build again. We built our current house, but it’s not really practical for kids, or entertaining, so we are doing it again.

    I love white walls, but they give me migraines so we always stick with the off whites.

  2. says

    Hopefully we’ll be moving in just a few weeks. I’m excited and dreaming of colored walls, many colors different for each room. DIY furniture, curtains, rugs and more! :)

    • Gretchen says

      Sounds lovely! I definitely want some more rugs around – they bring so much cheer!

  3. bianca says

    Oh I feel your pain. In the engineering world, change is good and should happen every 2-3 years. We’ve lived in this home for a year and my sincere hope is to get 5 years here, but in reality will probably get 3. Adam is always looking to stay local but sometimes opportunity knocks from afar.

  4. says

    Oh goodness, me too! We have already painted so much in the last year–when we moved, every single wall and ceiling was the same terrible light brown/dark tan color and just felt dingy (not to mention COVERED in sharpie murals)–but I’m already thinking about repainting my dining room WHITE and finally painting the kitchen (which is still covered in paint color ‘test spots’). Not sure at this point if this is going to be our forever home as we LOVE the neighborhood (the house too), but are currently longing for outdoor s p a c e .

    • Gretchen says

      Next house we want more outside space too – it’s such a juggle being near town with a little property … is that even possible!?!

  5. Lauren says

    I love these pictures.How funny to read this post, we are searching for our dream house but in a limbo stage of life right now so we can’t take plunge quite yet. I’ve lived at my parents house and a so so rental for the past 4 years to save money while my husband finished his residency… I’m sooo ready to decorate and settle in I think I might scream!

    • Gretchen says

      We had a long rental stretch and a transition at my parents too – it’s a hard in between time!