My Reading Seasons, Thoughts on Dark Hope + a GIVEAWAY

I go through seasons with reading.

Season one —> Consume all the books.

Season two —> Read nothing.

I’m currently in season one. I’ve joined a book club. My library hold list is l-o-n-g. I’ve been scouring Goodreads to bookmark favorites for fall. I’ve been awake into the wee hours embracing characters and story lines and causes. My bubble soap is almost gone. I’m a bath reader in case you didn’t follow how that contributed to season one of my book life. dark hope

Last week I finished the first book in a new series – Dark Hope: Book One in the Archangel Prophecies by Monica McGurk. First off, I’m a series whore. I love the suspense of waiting for book two. Well, love hate, but mostly love. 

Second, fictional books with a purpose are the shiz. Dark Hope follows a young teen, Hope, and the repercussions from her mostly failed abduction. From the first chapter, you’re left wondering – What REALLY happened? How was she saved? How did her abduction change her?

Throughout Dark Hope everything comes together. Questions are answered and well, more questions are born. The spirit world comes alive and people are saved; physically, emotionally and spiritually. Readers are given a researched, behind the scenes peek at the awful human trafficking scene that is alive and flourishing in many cities around the US today. In Dark Hope fiction meets real life scenarios. Voiceless girls are given a voice, evil is condemned and the power of prayer and hope soar.

Although categorized as a young adult novel, Dark Hope (and its’ upcoming books!) will intrigue young and old readers alike. I will add a trigger warning on the topic of child abductions and human trafficking. My heart jumped into my throat more than once, imagining these terrible scenarios, but I’m thankful for the overtones of God’s care, protection and hope.

Learn more about Dark Hope, Monica McGurk (she started out writing fan fiction based on the Twilight series!) and how reading this book can play a role in combatting the modern day slave trade here


Want to win a copy of Dark Hope? Simply comment with your favorite young adult novel and I’ll draw a winner September 8th!

 I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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  1. Michelle Faile says

    I love the the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series, and all books by Sarah Dessen!

  2. lesley says

    i really like "if i wait"

  3. Chelsie says

    Twilight for sure! It’s been forever since I’ve actually read a non pregnancy for parenting book!

  4. Ashley Bree Perez says

    I love a walk to remember by Nicholas Sparks! :)

  5. jamie says

    i'm not sure if this book would count as young adult, but i love love love a tree grows in brooklyn. classic yet timeless.

  6. Hannah says

    I would really love to be unique … But Harry will forever have my readers’s heart.