15 Phrases To Encourage Positive Self Image

More than anything I want my children to grow up knowing, truly believing, that they are beautiful. Rooted deep in their hearts, I want them to know that it is not their outward appearance that makes the world crave their company, but their kind, gentle spirits, their laughter, their desire to do good.
Still, I know it’s important to be confident in your appearance. And I want to do everything I can to nurture both inward and outward beauty in myself and in my children. For me, this begins with positive talk; both the things I say in my mind and out loud.
I would never say something negative about my children’s looks, I’ll always think they are perfect in every way. No matter what. But, myself … I don’t always give myself the same grace and encouragement. When I look in the mirror I don’t always see beauty, but what I say and how I respond to what I see is witnessed by my children. That’s why I want to catalog these phrases, positive words and affirmations I can say to myself and to my children.

I am beautiful in the morning because I am rested and greeting a wonderful day.

My arms are strong because I can carry you.

My smile lights up a room.

My heart loves deeply.

Without my able tummy and wide hips I wouldn’t have the blessing of my children.

Wild hair matches my wild spirit.

“I am beginning to measure myself in strength, not pounds. Sometimes in smiles.” -Laurie Halse Anderson, Wintergals

A face without freckles is like a sky without stars. One of my sister’s personal favorites!

Make-up is merely an accent, not a necessity.

I can achieve whatever I set my mind too.

Looking like myself is unique and special. No one else is just like me. 

My soul is creative and amazing things come from my handiwork.

I am beautiful no matter what I wear.

My dark hair is a mark of my heritage.
I am beautifully and wonderfully made – God has a great purpose for me and it begins now.
What positive phrases do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror? What do you say to your children to grow a positive self image in them?
Wanna keep reading about mamas passing on a positive self image to their children? Take a peek at this post from Brittany Herself, I loved it! 

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  1. says

    The older my daughter gets, the more conscientious I am of what I say and how she hears. I have been focusing on demonstrating confidence in my body based on what it can do, instead of what it looks like. Ex–I love my legs because they help me hike.

  2. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Exactly! Our bodies are so much more than what they look like!

  3. Bethy says

    these are amazing…and I'm going to start saying "my wild hair matches my wild spirit" all the time!

  4. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Yep! That one makes me laugh and smile :)

  5. max says

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