$100 Giveaway!

Wow – this is quite the busy week on the blog! Coming up I’ve got some extra insight on completing your degree, a melt-in-yo-mouth recipe and a Jemma Says which is becoming a favorite of mine.
I worked my buns off getting things ready for Christmas and I’ve finally been able to catch my breath this week. Right now I’m shopping for one last gift – a baby doll for Max. I’m not sure if I’ll find it in time … I’m looking for one that has rice or beans in the bum. He really likes heavy things so I want one that is weighted some how. Any recommendations?
Gifts are wrapped and our tree died. Yep, it isn’t drinking water so we’re planning to drill some holes in it to try and revive it. I’m baking new treats on the daily because I can (up next!) and I’m starting to prep the guest room for our second international student who joins us in January.
My fingers are crocheting and I broke out my Nook to read Allegiant. As soon as my current project is done I think I’m going to try and teach myself some new stitches and give this free pattern a go.
Jemma’s Christmas program is on Thursday – how is she old enough to be performing in a Christmas program? How am I old enough to have a child old enough to be in a Christmas program? :: heart skips a beat :: Then on Friday, a Hobby Lobby adventure to kick of Christmas break!
Hold my checkbook ladies, or … if you’re lucky enough to win this fabulous giveaway, maybe sponsor my shopping trip :)


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  1. says

    I would spend the money on a much needed date night for my me and husband.

  2. says

    Buy the gifts I wish I was going to get for Christmas!

  3. says

    Save it to get my mom to alabama for little man's 6th birthday!!

  4. says

    I finished X-mas shopping so I would probably buy something for myself… Being a single mama you don't often have a present under the tree…. I thought about getting something for myself this year then my pipes froze and burst, so much for that. Still excited I got all my boys shopping done early.

  5. says

    I would splurge on myself and buy a new perfume that I have been desiring.

  6. says

    I would go out for a nice dinner with my husband :)

  7. shannon says

    Clothes on eBay!

  8. Wild Orchid says

    I would put it towards our 2014 vacation.Entered the rafflecopter as “Wild orchid”Thanks for the chance to win!wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  9. nadya kotik says

    some clothes from ebay for me and my family

  10. Mandy Jean says

    Very generous giveaway. I would have a date night with hubby,