You Never Forget a Beautiful Thing You Have Made

More than any other experience in my life, becoming a mother has changed me. 

It’s breathtaking to look at these babies. The ones who started so small, grew in my belly and still, many days, cling to me tightly as we adventure through life together. My Jemma and Max are precious. They light up my days and are no doubt God’s greatest gift to me.

Knowing that there are mamas and babies out there who never get to experience the beauty and boldness of life together absolutely breaks my heart. It makes for a somber Mother’s Day as mamas reach for babies who aren’t close or little ones crave the touch and smell of the woman who birthed them. Somaliland is one of the places suffering this heartache. The infant and maternal mortality rate is devastating and not only is change desperately needed, for humanities sake, it’s required. 

Join with me this Mother’s Day and help bring change to Somaliland through the Edna Adan University Hospital by purchase a beautiful print for yourself, your own mama or a dear mama friend – 50% of the sale will go directly to Edna Adan Hospital. 

Logo of the Edan Adan Hospital, source

“The health of the people of Somaliland is among the worst in Africa, with one of the highest Maternal and Infant Mortality rates in the world. Every year, one baby in eight dies in infancy while nearly 4000 Somali women die in childbirth. This tragedy can be attributed in large part to the long civil war which brought about the death or departure of nearly all of the country’s trained health care professionals.” The good news is that this hospital is working to change these statistics and improve maternal health. From educating midwives and fighting female genital mutilation, the Edna Adan University Hospital is making big changes for the people of Somaliland. 

Watch this video for a special peek into the hospital and Edna Adan herself.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day this year, I’m encouraged to know that across the ocean there are individuals taking ginormous steps to keep more mamas and babies together. Purchase a print. Tweet about this fundraiser – #give2ednaadan. Share the print on Pinterst or Instagram. Let’s spread the word. Make a difference. And send a very special prayer on behalf of those diligently working to make Mother’s Day something worth celebrating!
P.S. Speaking of caring for mamas near and far, Adriel is always accepting birth kits for mamas in Papua New Guinea and this wonderful mama friend of mine is hosting a Mother’s Day auction on Facebook this week to support Teen Challenge Springboard which has positively impacted her family.
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