Style File | I Weeble Wobble, But I Don’t Fall Down & 32 Week Update

CHURCH SHOPPING – regular lady dress morphed into pregnancy tunic, target | be maternity leggings, garage sale score originally from target | dolce vita wedges, target
This week was round 2 of church shopping.
We have quite a few on our list to still check out before we land on a new church home. It’s kind of exhausting. We’re looking for hip worship (Dominic’s #1 request) and a quality/safe children’s program (my #1 request). Easier said than done.

Another thought. Wedges in a new place while pregnant. Not quite a recipe for disaster, but it doesn’t spell success either. I almost wiped out while I was leaving the sanctuary and walking towards guest relations to accept my free coffee coupon. I really hoped no one saw my almost ankle snapping experience, but alas, the gal at guest relations said, “Praise the Lord you didn’t take a tumble, dear!” Jeepers. Obviously, this mama can weeble wobble without falling down.

And now, on to the 32 week update. Thirty. Two. Weeks. Oh my word. Jemma was born at 39 weeks which means I’ve got a monster load of things to do in a very little amount of time. Brother — pretty please keep cooking! Mama ain’t ready!
  • How big is baby? A squash – somewhere between 3-4 pounds
  • Weight gain/loss? Uh … there must be something in the summer air because I’m up to 167 – that’s 30 pounds, folks
  • Maternity clothes? Almost always. Do you see that bump? I’ve even grown out of some of my maternity tops!
  • Best moment this week? Some super refreshing naps with Jemma. I sleep way better during naps than I do at night.
  • Movement? All. the. time.
  • Food cravings? I’m loving fruit, super cold water, and I am in need of a calzone at the moment!
  • Gender? A sweet little man
  • What I am looking forward to? Getting our room at my parent’s house set up and feeling like home.
  • Shopping for? It’s garage sale season. Need I say more?
  • Name ideas? Still feeling Max, but I need to put into some effort to flushing out some other ideas
  • Reading? 7. It has nothing to do with pregnancy, and everything to do with life.
  • Weekly wisdom? Floradix is a necessary evil. Raises iron levels while tasting like pureed weeds.
  • Milestones? We are finally moved!!!
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  1. bonnbonnboutiuqe says

    you look so cute, and your belly looks big, but everything else looks small! I'm never that lucky. LOl:)

  2. says

    church shopping isn't fun. I think i'd rather shop for swimsuits! Also…you look amazing. I've gained 28 pounds at 29 weeks…Its a little overwhelming (this is my first).

  3. says

    Looking great, and just a few more weeks to go!

  4. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Just try to keep in perspective that every pound mama gains is helping baby grow healthy and strong too :) That always makes me feel better! Plus, with summer food options – lots of fresh, nutritional options are at our finger tips!

  5. says

    You look adorable!!! And you're way more brave than I am…I haven't worn heels since my first trimester!

  6. says

    You are too stinking cute! Seriously adorable. And church shopping? I so don't envy you. The hubby and I did it when I was about to give birth to our first and it was no fun. Here's to hoping and praying you find the right church for your family quickly.

  7. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Thanks, Jessica! We have 3-4 other churches that have been recommended so hopefully by the end of summer we'll find a good spot :)

  8. Cheryl says

    Have you tried Mars Hill? They definitely have the 2 things you mentioned in your blog. They meed at SPSCC in the Mineart Center.

  9. Lisa Pearson says

    Hi…I just read your post on Karis blog about your wedding…so impressive. It turned out beautiful. Our daughter is doing cheesecakes and fresh strawberries at her wedding also! I think it is the perfect summer treat. Love your blog!!

  10. says

    This baby is coming soon girl! Max is a very cool name. I'll pray that you and the family find a new home soon.

  11. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Cheesecake was perfect for summer! Hope all goes smoothly with planning and the big day :)

  12. ThatMamaGretchen says

    I'll have to add them to our list – sounds good!