Birthday Giveaway: Smartipants Cloth Diaper

Jemma and I were so excited to try out a new cloth diaper – SMARTIPANTS!
We chose a red one and it has proved to be a favorite in our stash, mainly because it is super trim without compromising absorbancy. At 14.95 each, it is a great deal as well. Some other features worth mentioning …
  • Leak-guard technology
  • Patented smart sleeve
  • Soft waterproof outer fabric
  • Gentle stretch elastic
  • Adjustable snaps
  • Ultra-premium production

And, check out all the fabulous color choices …

 After the Toys R Us debacle, I’m also in love with the fact that Smartipants are MADE IN THE USA!

P.S. I found a purple Smartipants at a consignment sale the other week and scooped it up. They are truly great diapers and I was so happy to add a second one to our stash!

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  1. Ourgrowinggarden says

    LOVE me some smartipants!!