2011 Etsy Spotlight: Spiral Mama

Here’s the scoop … teething babies are a breed of their own. They morph into unhappy creatures who scream at will, drool like crazy and seem relatively unconsolable. Do you blame them? I mean, they have teeth pushing through their soft little gums. That is the definition of unpleasant.
J will hate me in the future for this picture, but it totally captures the pain of teething … luckily her Baltic amber is warming up and will be soothing her in no time!
Jemma has had a short bout of teething thus far. I was worried it was the full blown thing, but no, just a short spell of discomfort. When the drool started flying I immediately began researching methods for helping my girlie cope. I read about baltic amber and learned iy is a natural analgesic. That’s were Spiral Mama comes in …
Spiral Mama specializes in Baltic amber teething necklaces made especially for babies. Before you decide this is a hokey idea and turn to medicine for teething, read on:

Centuries ago Baltic amber was considered one of the leading “medicines” of its time. The amber from the Baltic sea is the most esteemed amber in the world and the healing qualities of Baltic amber make it unlike any other type of amber found in the world. Baltic amber has an oil that is released when it is heated by the body. When worn directly on your skin the oils, which contain succinic acid, are absorbed by the body. Baltic amber has the highest concentration of succinic acid found in nature.

Baltic amber has been used for centuries to treat many different aliments. It offers pain relief, strengthens the body’s immune system, restores energy, helps maintain wellness, helps break the cycle of chronic inflammation, and has a calming effect for the wearer. Baltic Amber has been used as a remedy for teething for thousands of years. This is a wonderful alternative to over-the-counter pain medicine. There are no side effects. Natural anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties of Baltic amber are perfect to soothe teething babies. By having the baby wear the necklace everyday it helps reduce the common symptoms related to teething such as; redness in the cheeks, swollen gums, diaper rashes and fevers. The necklace is suitable from about 3-4 months of age. The miseries of teething can often continue for 2 years or more. It’s never too late for your child to start wearing this necklace!

So there you have it! To put it lightly, we are in love with our Baltic amber teething necklace. I’m so happy I found out about them early so Miss J can have some relief from her little teeth poking through in the coming months. 
As with all tiny baby things, necklaces shouldn’t be worn unsupervised. Hence, looping around the ankle is a good solution at nighttime.
Ready to snag a necklace for your little one? Spiral Mama is hosting a giveaway for one That Mama Gretchen reader … if you win you’ll have the choice any baby necklace (valued at $22-23)!
  • Visit Spiral Mama on Etsy and leave a comment with your favorite amber necklace. Please include your email address as well.
  • “Like” Spiral Mama on Facebook
  • “Heart” Spiral Mama on Etsy by adding it to your favorites
  • Vote for That Mama Gretchen on Top Baby Blogs, just click here 
  • Add the new That Mama Gretchen button to your blog (button code available on the right) and leave a link to its’ location on your blog
This giveaway will be open until March 7th at 11:59 pm PST. Open to US and Canadian residents only. Winner will be chose by Random.org and notified by email. The winner will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner will be chosen. .Jemma and I were provided with a necklace at no cost in order to complete an accurate review. But keep in mind, our positive experience and recommendation can’t be bought at any price … we are truly thankful for the healing power of Spiral Mama’s Baltic amber!
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  1. says

    I just liked Spiral Mama on Facebook (as West Metro Mommy)

  2. says

    I just added Spiral Mama to my favorites on Etsy (username: mdawnott)

  3. says

    I just voted for you on Top Baby Blogs.I'd add your button to my blog, but I'm getting a new design in a few days and will do so then (probably after this giveaway is over, of course! If not, I'll come back and add a new comment!)

  4. says

    Very pretty! Love the Baltic Amber (especially the mama/baby set) but that Lemon Amber is pretty nice too. :-)

  5. says

    I just added SpiralMama to my favorite sellers on Etsy. <3

  6. says

    I love the Lemon and Honey one! They're all so beautiful, but I just got over a cold and finished about a half a jar of honey. So I'm a little obsessed with it right now. Yum.

  7. says

    I love the lemon and butterscotch one! My little one is having a terrible time with teething, so thanks for the info!Oh, also I liked Spiral Mama on facebook.

  8. Kathy says

    I love the butterscotch amber one!krobertson@comcast.net

  9. Kathy says

    I liked on Facebook!

  10. says

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. says

    Silly me forgot to leave my email address with my other responses. So any of those above from BlueEyedCat have the email address of laura.eichler@gmail.com. I thought since I was signing in with my google account that my email would be automatically included but I guess it didn't. So this comment doesn't count (I didn't see any way to contact you other than by posting another comment) but just wanted to be sure to leave my email so you could contact me in case one of my other comments do get chosen. :-)

  12. ozsavers says

    The history of Baltic Amber as one of the leading medicines is very intriguing, and it's proven!