Still lovin’ ’10

Ok, ok … I know it’s 2011, but I’m still feeling so reminiscent of last year. I mean, I HAD A BABY in 2010. Last year will be special in my heart forever. I absolutely adore being Jemma’s mama.
Gosh darn, I cry at everything. Like now … just thinking about my little sweetness. God has sure blessed me. Like last night … does it get better than snuggling up with a baby and freakin’ amazing husband ringing in the New Year? No, it does not.

10:08 pm – Can we make it to midnight?
1) Be less “snappy” with Dominic
2) Become a stay at home mama
3) Take better care of my skin

Seems simple enough. I’ll update in 365 days and we’ll see how much progress I’ve made. Cheers!

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  1. says

    when my oldest son was a newborn i was such a sap. everything made me cry, and all the milestones made me so weepy. now that he's three and half, and i've got another newborn it's happening again! :)