2011 Etsy Spotlight: Amber for Sale

We’ve made it to 6 months with only a slight whisper of coming teeth. Although I am thankful. I am also bracing myself. Teeth are right around the corner and I shudder at the thought. :::shudder:::: I don’t want to see my girlie in pain and I for sure don’t want her to lose her […]

Jemma has a present for you …

In honor of Jemma’s very first 1/2 birthday we has partnered with Stell & Livi, a fabulous Etsy shop that creates adorable birthday hats, crowns and other felt creations! I’m telling you, when I see these sweet hats … I swoon! If you’re swooning too … you are in luck! YOU COULD WIN ONE! Three […]

2011 Etsy Spotlight: My 2 Lil Pixies Boutique

I know it, Daddy knows it, even Jemma’s nanny knows it. No outfit is complete without a hair accessory! Thanks to My 2 Lil Pixies Boutique Jemma has added purple into her headband collection. For the time being we have deemed purple her favorite color. We’ll see if it sticks! I adore the sparkly center […]

2011 Etsy Spotlight: Little Sapling Toys

Take a glance around our living room and you’ll know without a doubt a little girl lives with us. Toys, blankets and books are strewn about and a sweet girl usually isn’t far behind the chaotic fun. Amidst the clutter, we’re striving to live more simply as we raise Jemma and part of this is […]

2011 Etsy Spotlight: Callie’s Little Things

Q: What are the very best baby products? A: The ones that can be shared with the mama! For example, I love sharing Jem’s soaps and lotions. Even more, I love sharing her hair clips! Isn’t it such a wonderful mother/daughter bond to be able to share beauty products and accessories?Callie’s Little Things are one […]

2011 Etsy Spotlight: Little Jumping Beans

I was thrilled when my package from Little Jumping Beans arrived. You know why? Babushka dolls! Yes, that’s right … this week’s Etsy Spotlight has fabulous soft-soled baby shoes made with Babushka doll fabric. Oh. my. word. Normally, I would say I had a hard time picking out a print for these adorable shoes. Isn’t […]

2011 Etsy Spotlight: Anna Bananna Boutique

Oh, headbands! You make me smile like no other. Especially when you are on my sweet girl’s noggin :) And, of course, THE BIGGER THE BETTER! This adorable headband is from Anna Bananna Boutique and is by far Jemma’s loudest headband. It screams, “Look at me everyone! I am a cute baby wearing an equally […]

Giveaway Winner

The winner of the Spiral Mama amber teething necklace has been emailed. Thanks to all who entered! Don’t forget to check out the wonderful Dandelion Day Dreaming giveaway – one week left!

2011 Etsy Spotlight: Dandelion Day Dreaming

 – I can’t wait to take Jemma to Disneyland. Why, you ask? Well, in addition to the wonderfulness of Main Street, princesses and fun rides I can’t wait to share “It’s a Small World”. It’s classic Disney and I know she is going to love it. We’ll sing the song many times I’m sure … […]

Giveaway Winners

Angel Baby Treasures giveaway winners have been emailed. Thank you so much to Angel Baby Treasures for sponsoring this review and giveaway! P.S. Isn’t this and this from Angel Baby Treasures just lovely? Homemade items are so fabulous. I adore them! P.S.S. For other great Etsy giveaways visit this sweet blog!

2011 Etsy Spotlight: Spiral Mama

Here’s the scoop … teething babies are a breed of their own. They morph into unhappy creatures who scream at will, drool like crazy and seem relatively unconsolable. Do you blame them? I mean, they have teeth pushing through their soft little gums. That is the definition of unpleasant. J will hate me in the […]