How is your shop browsing going? Have you found some favorites? Placed an order for an expectant mama or yourself? I hope so! And, some great news!Tomorrow there will be a spectacular giveaway :)You’ll have the opportunity for extra entries if you: Add this button to your blog <a border=”0″ href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=””/></a> Write a […]
Search Results for: label/Support Small Business
Support Small Business
When you buy from boutiques and small businesses you are not helping a CEO buy a third vacation home, you are helping: a mom put food on the table, a little girl finally get those dance lessons, a little boy finally get to be a part of the football team, a young lady get a […]
Our Cozy Corner
Last month Dominic, Jemma, and I moved into my parent’s home. Since we’re in the midst of buying property to build, they so graciously offered up their spare room as our transition space. Initially, we thought we would be here for 3-4 months. But, thanks to the lovely county dragging out some details on the […]