The Best Books I Read Last Year

Most years I read 60+ books. Some years, close to 100. Last year I managed just 17. 2020 … and then 2021 hit me hard and I just let go of reading. When I thought about it, it made me terribly sad. I missed my stories. I missed learning. I missed doing something just for me.

But I didn’t have the energy to read. The mental capacity to invest. It just felt like a burden. So I paused and hoped the joy of reading would return.

And it has, in abundance this year. I am so grateful! 2021 still held some wonderful books though. Most notably, these four:

The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek

I listened to this book on audio and highly recommend that. Cussy Mary’s story will tug your heart and probably leave you searching for some of the true life details of the “blue people” of Kentucky. Best of all, Kim Michele Richardson is releasing a sequel in May 2022 – The Book Woman’s Daughter.

Redeeming Love

I think I’ve mentioned before how much I love reading books that become films. I read Redeeming Love ages ago and reread it just in time for the screen debut. Such a lovely story of redemption that loosely follows the book of Hosea.

The Four Winds

Kristin Hannah is my favorite author. I’ve officially read all of her books and although Winter Garden is still my top recommendation of her historical fiction works I was absolutely captivated by Elsa’s Texas tale.

The Book of Two Ways

“There are five things we need to say to people we love before they die…: I forgive you. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. Goodbye.” 

I read this book while visiting my Dad for the last time. It was timely and hard and very good for me. I honestly am in awe of the amount of research Jodi Picoult must do for her books. And then, how she winds facts and figures with deep characters. All that to say, if you want a rich story with highlight worthy quotes, this is it.

Did your reading slump during the pandemic? If so, are you back on your regular track these days? What are you reading?

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