What Books To Read When You Finish “Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons”

Jem somehow taught herself to read. We dabbled in Bob Books and then overnight she was blowing through chapter books like Little House on the Prairie. I honestly don’t know what happened.

So, with Max in kindergarten this year, I had my first opportunity to actually teach a child to read. We opted to begin Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons and it proved to be a great fit for him! We completed 3-5 lessons each week and right before spring break, he completed his 100th lesson :) All year long he has referred to himself as a “starter reader” in comparison to his sister who, in his mind, is a real reader. But, as soon as he finished TYCTR he owned the title of “reader” — “I’m a reader now!” he says.

What Books To Read When You Finish _Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons_

Something about finishing 100 reading lessons gave him this giant boost of confidence. Now he is inhaling books. Just today he said to me, “I love books! I love reading!”

And yes, my heart darn near exploded hearing those words.

Because I love reading. Love love love it.

And I want my children to find the same joy I find from stories and other’s experiences and the big, wide world of knowledge that books lead us through.

Max is still an early reader though. And the English language is tricky with so many rules and sight words to memorize. I want the books he reads post-TYCTR to continue growing his confidence. So, I began researching and testing what books would be a good fit for him now that his official kindergarten reading lessons are done. 

The back of TYCTR has a small section titled “What Now?” but I found many of those books to be out of print :( We reserved the few we could at the library, but not enough for my new, voracious reader. Such a good problem to have!

Here are the books we are reading now:

Here are the series we can’t get enough of:

I asked Max to star his top picks since our list got a little long, so that’s what each * means – it’s Max’s star of reading love!

Have you finished Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons? I’d love to hear what books you read next to practice fluency. Please share!

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