

Doing — A lot of decluttering. I mean, when am I not? Are you plagued by this ongoing project too? Tonight I sorted through our entire homeschool room bookshelf and tomorrow is Jem’s bookshelf. We love books, but the shelves are brimming. Annoyingly so.

Watching — The Good Doctor. I’m all about doctor shows. This week has been full of Chicago Med and Grey’s too.

Planning — My grocery list. Online. Because Walmart pick up is everything. You will not find me with a cart full of kids trying to gather Thanksgiving ingredients. Nope. 

Thinking About — Our Saturday plan. Jem has specifically requested a donut run in the morning … how can I say no to that?

Looking Forward To — Taking my sister’s maternity photos next weekend! Cannot wait for my sweet niece to be born! But first, bump pics!

Wearing — New pajamas from Costco! They’re actually on clearance now … grab them here. While you’re there, consider this sweater, I have it and love it. It’s thick and long and fall-perfect.

Loving — Each of my kid’s ages/stages. One is really fantastic. Eli gives kisses and is finally enjoying food. Almost three is funny; Reid is just a hoot! He has started calling me “Mommy Boo Boo” and knows he is being silly when he does. Six is amazing, sometimes emotional, but really amazing. I cannot believe that Max is reading, it is the most fun thing to experience. He is so proud. He calls himself a “starter reader” :) And eight? Eight is so mature and still so little. Jem is growing into herself so beautifully. I could weep over it if I wasn’t smiling so much.


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