Why I Love Doing Laundry and How You Can Too

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #tidepurclean #TryTidepurclean

First things first, I’ve got a fabulous Cartwheel offer for you! Click here for a discount on Tide purclean which you’re going to love for sooooo many reasons!

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Now, a little mom reality of the laundry variety for you. I titled this post, “Why I Love Doing Laundry and How You Can Too” for two reasons: 1) To grab your attention (Did it work? Did you think, “Who is this crazy, laundry-loving mom?”) and 2) To be transparent about some of the monotony of homemaking.

I’m sure you’re asking — Is it a lie that she LOVES doing laundry?

And my reply — Kind of. But hear me out …

If I’m being totally honest, laundry is my least favorite mom chore. I’d much rather wash dishes or vacuum. But, I’m teaching myself to love laundry. And it’s actually working – I am starting to love it! And here’s how you can too :)
Why I Love Doing Laundry

With six people in our home, laundry is always on my mind. There is constantly a load (or two or three) in some stage of the laundry process. And, mom confession, I’m definitely the kind of girl who gets behind on folding.

In the past, I ached and bellowed over how awful doing the laundry was. I think I’ve actually said, “Why me?!?” to my husband, like laundry was some kind of terrible curse. But, it’s not. In fact, laundry is a blessing and that’s one of the biggest reasons I’ve come to I love it.

Tide purclean

Here are three reasons why I’m learning to love laundry and, if you keep reading, you’ll find a way to save on Tide purclean at Target, a laundry essential that makes doing laundry 10x better!

Laundry is a Blessing

Here’s the thing. It’s a mega first-world problem to complain about laundry. Which is why I totally need a slap on the wrist when I start to bellow. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, sad about my laundry set up. I own my own washer and dryer. My family has tons of clothes and towels and oh my lanta, the sock situation. We want for nothing and I have THE LUXURY to wash, dry, and fold at my convenience.

I don’t remember exactly when I had this simple wake up call. But I did. And it stopped my laundry grumpiness in its tracks. It didn’t cause me to jump for joy and run to the laundry room each and every morning, but it did reset my perspective on the chore of laundry. Now,  as I wash and dry, fold and put away, I focus on the blessing of laundry.

Laundry is My Quiet Time

When the mountain of “to be folded” reaches overwhelming heights, I settle in for a good ol’ folding session. And, it’s my quiet time. Because no one wants to bother me, lest I ask them to join in the folding fun!

So, I turn on my current audiobook or a podcast episode and I fold in peace. It’s lovely. And I feel very productive merging something I enjoy with something that must be done.

Laundry Detergent Keeps Getting Better and Better

Let me fill you in on Tide purclean, because it’s super fantastic! Tide purclean is the first plant-based detergent that has the cleaning power of Tide. Best of all, it is free of dyes, chlorine, phosphates, ethanolamine and optical brighteners so it’s safe for my family while still working well. The honey lavender scent is scrumptious (in a very clean, but not overwhelming way) and it’s also available in unscented if you prefer.

I’ve been wanting to try a new natural laundry detergent for a while. One thing I especially love is that Tide purclean is mindfully made – produced at a facility that uses 100% renewable wind electricity and is zero manufacturing waste to landfill.

laundry mom

Buy Tide purclean in store using your Cartwheel app for a discount until mid-September!

Here’s my “I’m saving money at Target smile” … it’s the real deal! I seriously love using the Cartwheel app, especially when it’s to buy a product I love!

Tide purclean at Target

Have you cultivated at attitude of loving laundry or other household chores? I’d love to hear from you! It’s a constant conversation I have with myself and something I hope to get even better so I’m all ears!

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  1. J Bossio says

    You’re so right; it truly is a luxury!

    Our first place was a townhouse apartment, where we had to take laundry downstairs and go outside, to the end of the building. At our first home, we just had to go down to the basement. The next home’s was thankfully on the same level, but out in the garage.

    We moved to this month to a home with a laundry ROOM! In the house! AND it’s on the bedroom level! SUCH a blessing after 40 years :)

    • Gretchen says

      Yes, I’m sure! Not hauling up and down stairs is definitely a blessing! xoxo

  2. Megan says

    Ok….you got me. I really thought you found some type of laundry utopia! Lol. Ahhh well. It is nice to be handed the truth of perspective. Adult enough it can be applied to the majority of my complaints. Thanks for the great post! Perhaps I will create a DIY wall hanging for my laundry room as a reminder!

    • Gretchen says

      Yeah … just a mind trick to make the laundry monotony bearable :) A wall hanging is such a good idea!

  3. Fran says

    Love your attitude! Thanks for the read