Meet Evivo — Your Baby’s Belly’s Best Friend



When it comes to our children’s health, there are some startling statistics out there …

  • There are at least two children with food allergies in almost every kindergarten classroom (FARE)
  • Over one million children in the U.S. have type 1 diabetes (American Diabetes Association)
  • The rate of obesity doubles as children grow from toddlers to teens (CDC)
  • 9.6 million children under the age of 18 have eczema; of this total, 3/2 million children (33%) have moderate to severe cases (National Eczema Org)

And those statistics represent just a few things we’re seeing. Rates of these issues have climbed since our grandparent’s generation and if you’re anything like me, you’re asking questions.

Why is this happening and, perhaps more important, what can I do for my kids?

Research has shown that due to C-sections, antibiotics, and formula feeding U.S. infants are no longer receiving B. infantis, good bacteria, at birth and that just might be a contributing factor. Sadly, the beauty of modern medicine has resulted in an unintended consequence — the absence of gut health.

It’s so much more detailed than just that, more scientific than I can adequately explain, so, read this. I learned so much from the decade of research done at the University of California. Before, I didn’t really comprehend how my bacteria was affecting my babies, and honestly, I kind of thought breastfeeding fixed it all. But, it’s way more complex than that. Breast milk is key, but it’s not a complete fix. 


How do we resurrect B. infantis in our babies and help balance their gut with good bacteria? We partner breastmilk with a special kind of probiotic. Meet Evivo. Evivo helps to grow B. infantis when combined with special carbohydrates found in breast milk. Pretty much, it’s the probiotic of our dreams!




Evivo is a clinically proven probiotic (the only one!) that restores baby’s gut. In partnership with breastmilk, this probiotic powder “helps release nutrients in breast milk to create a protective internal environment in baby’s gut. It also helps develop baby’s metabolism and immune system and builds the foundation for good health that can last a lifetime.” And it’s simple … express a little breast milk, mix in the probiotic powder, and administer with a syringe.

During my pregnancies with Reid and Eli, I was GBS+ and because of that, chose to get antibiotics during labor. It wasn’t my preference and it bothered my that my babies were starting out life with antibiotics in their system, but in this circumstance, antibiotics, filtered through me, were the best alternative. Because of those antibiotic rounds it has always been on my radar to dose my boys up with probiotics to boost their gut from the get go. I knew quality probiotics were important, but until Evivo, I didn’t understand how B. infantis played a role in gut health. Now, I do!


Take a step in the right direction when it comes to preventing allergies, diabetes, obesity, eczema, and more with Evivo. There is a special promotion going on for Black Friday so it’s the perfect way to save and kick off a holiday of health of for your little one. 

Does your family take probiotics? How have you seen them be a benefit to your health? I’d love to hear!

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