Five Favorites


Five favorites to help distract me from the great baby watch of 2017 …

Years ago, had you asked me if maternity unders were a worthwhile purchase, I would have said, “NO WAY!”, but now, I’m wiser. And these maternity low rise bikinis from Cotton Whispers are everything. I read lots of reviews and for the price, these win big time for pregnant mamas.

This bento box is perfection. So happy I splurged on it and am now contemplating a second one. Why is it love? Max can open it himself. It doesn’t leak. It’s dishwasher safe. And, it has 5 decently sized spots, to which Max says, “Perfect! Because I’m 5 too!”. 

Jem and I loved this book, American Girl: Story of America. A library one that is now on her wish list! It’s so fun to see her embrace history. Love the BeForever line of dolls and can’t wait to see what decades/locations/events come out next.

Speaking of books that Jem and I both love … Women in Science is another! And, now I see that Women in Sports is a new release!

Welcome fall with my chai. My true love. Amazing hot or cold. I alternate between Tiger Spice and Elephant Vanilla depending on which one is cheaper whenever I need to reorder.

And … a bonus! Those dahlias ^^^ 4 stems for $1 at a little flower cart near our house. So! Gorgeous!

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