Jemma’s Big Sister Babymoon

New babies bring lots of changes.

And not just for me and Dominic, for our whole family. The big kids are very much anticipating this new baby, but I think they’re sensing the growing responsibility of having a new little one around too. Currently they tag team Reid like champs. That boy can’t get in to any trouble when big sister Jemma and big bro Max are with him! But soon, there will be another …

I don’t want them to think that having little siblings is all work though. So Dominic and I decided to honor their big sibling promotions with one on one overnighters this summer. 

Jemma and I took ours first since I knew I wouldn’t want to travel too close to my due date. At first we thought we’d go to Seattle, but really, I’m only a city girl when I have Dominic to chauffeur me, so we ventured to Bellingham instead. 

It was perfect!

We visited the Fairhaven District and fell in love with Village Books (we could seriously move in there!), Toy Garden, and Avenue Bread. Downtown we sampled AB Crepes (at 10pm with all the college kids, because why not?!?), Mallard’s Ice Cream, and Aslan Brewery (best Happy Hour EVER!). Bellingham has got it going on!

My favorite moments with her were the free ones though. Like when we finally snuggled into bed at our hotel. With her cheek pressed against mine, I could almost see her dreams. Of mermaids and flowers and the ice cream shop called “Swiss Swirl Ice Cream” that she hopes to open someday. This beautiful, sweet little girl is everything. All joy, all kindness; with a spirit yearning for cautious adventure and a mind filled with curiosity. She is perfectly tailored for life with 3 little brothers. Although, she’ll tell you that she’s still praying for a sister someday! She held my hand all day long and told me over and over how much she loves me. I tried my best to fill her bucket and without a doubt she filled mine.

One of our last stops was Boulevard Park, a gorgeous waterfront location complete with coffee shop, boardwalk, and playground. Jemma coordinated the outfits we packed for our getaway and Sunday was the day to officially document our girl’s trip, Jemma’s big sister babymoon. She loves using my “fancy camera” and when her photos turn out like the ones below, how can I say no? 

Perhaps someday I’ll be the mother of a professional photographer who juggles owning an ice cream shop too! Which, she clarified, would only be open on Tuesdays and Fridays, “because on the other days I’ll be home with my kids”. She has a list of names about 100 long for future daughters and likes “Henry, Reuben, and Wilder … in case I have 3 boys like you, Mama”.

Oh, my heart! For her, for her brothers, and for this new little one who will be here before we know it!









Mama’s outfit: Maternity dress c/o Pink Blush (find it here), vest from the Gap Factory Store, boots are by Fossil from a few years ago (my feet totally swelled up in them and I’m just praying that they still fit after baby!)

Jemma’s outfit: Alice + Ames dress, Saltwater sandals

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