All The Things I Bought For Baby During the First Trimester

Hola mamas! Things are slow and steady around here as I countdown to my second trimester. Really really really, in the worst way, hoping it brings some energy and food tolerance :)

The littles and I have used a fair amount of movies and take out to distract us. And I’ve done a wee bit of shopping for the new babe. It’s kind of a given while I’m snuggled on the couch nursing a glass of orange juice (my daily favorite lately). 

I figured I’d give you all a peek at what I’ve collected for the little one thus far. Having both a boy and a girl in recent years, we don’t NEED much. I have a tiny wish list, but truly, if we had a baby tomorrow, I think we’d be fine. 

This is what has made it’s way into my baby stash! It’s pretty obviously what is functional, frivolous and just because :)FIRST TRIMESTER BUYS

Huggies Snug & Dry Ultra Diapers

Ready for my genius plan? I’m going to buy one box of diapers each month until the baby arrives! Nothing like never running out and even better, I’ll lessen the overall cost down the road with a stash of various sizes.

We love Huggies Snug & Dry Ultra and right now they’re going above and beyond with a fabulous campaign that gives back to our communities. If you post a mama baby selfie and tag it #UltraHug on Twitter or Instagram you can nominate a community project to win $2,000. Since I already post selfies it seems like a no brainer to tag and nominatehuggies

Diaper Bag

I love me a good purse diaper bag and could resist this beauty at Target. It’s technically a yoga bag … but that’s the beauty of being a third time mama, I know sometimes the best mom bags aren’t actually marketed as diaper bags.

Bamboo & Moccs

A sale sucked Mimi and I in. We snagged our fave bamboo and darling camo moccs! Both will be great for a little boy or girl … and we’ll know for sure sometime in August!

Belly Balm

I’ve got old stripes and suspect new ones will arrive before I know it. Diligence in  daily beauty routines is not my strong point, but I hope I can slather this stuff on frequently enough to make a difference :)

Prenatals & Iron

Probably the most important thing I’ve bought so far – prenatals and iron! I really struggle with taste and texture of vitamins and supplements, but I’m coping with these. The prenatals are whole food healthy ones in a petite size and this iron is tolerable compared to the other liquid one I’ve tried. Did you know your body absorbs liquid iron way better than other forms? huggies all huggies other

What purchases have you made during your first trimester of pregnancy?

Don’t forget to snap a selfie ASAP, post/tag it and nominate here

The bump and I have nominated a local church diaper bank as our community project. They collect diapers of all sizes and then give them to families in need so mamas and dads never have to choose between diapers and food or other necessities. Isn’t that such a blessing? I’d love to give them $2,000 to stock pile their diaper closet!

You can choose anything for Huggies $2,000 grant … a beach your family loves, the library or any other favorite community project you’re involved in or visit often. Spread the love with me … selfie now and #UltraHug. Super simple. Easiest $2,000 potential you’ll probably ever run across :)

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  1. says

    Your header is beautiful! This is a great list for new moms!