To the Mountains We Go!

Last month I told my mama that I really wanted to go to Leavenworth. I hadn’t been since I was seven or eight and seeing that my name is Gretchen of the German variety, is only seems natural that I make frequent trips to Bavaria … even if it is a pretend version hidden in the Cascades, not the Alps. Being the amazing mama she is, my mom worked her connections and landed us a condo for a mere $50 a night during the final week of Leavenworth’s Festival of Lights. Practically unheard of! 

Dom, the kids, my mom, sister and I snowshoed, sledded, shopped, ate lots of cozy food (gnocchi and chili from our condo kitchen!), watched The Polar Express, and saw the signature tree lighting downtown at dusk. We also toured a fish hatchery and a brewery. Well, the brewery tour ended for me when Max channelled the terrible twos demon mode and I had to leave with him. #joysofmotherhood

Now, photo spam :)
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Snowshoeing was my favorite. Which is kind of odd since I’m about a 5 on the 1-100 scale of outdoor abilities. When it comes to German attributes I’m much more of the baked sweets variety. I shall credit my snowshoe success to Smartwool and prAna … since I wasn’t cold I was able to carry on without much whimpering. Oh, and I’m sure the enjoyment factor was increased by my mom staying back at the condo with the kids  – playing bunk bed games and My Little Pony Chutes and Ladders – since the hatchery/snowshoe tour was for 8+. God bless that woman. Like, God … do you hear me? BLESS HER! 

Snow fell all day on Saturday — Leavenworth was a winter wonderland! There is just nothing like walking through the woods and hearing the silence of falling snow followed shortly by the laughter of your kids as they catch snow on their tongues and mash up their first snowballs. Today it rained for a safe drive home and now we’re settling in at home for family’s arrival before Christmas!

We love you Leavenworth, see you this summer for the outdoor theater Sound of Music production! Glad I have a few months to brainwash my chicklets with the movie this winter so they can sing along with their crazy mama … THE HILLS ARE ALIVE WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC!!!

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