Here’s the thing … not many elements of parenting are easy. Travel is DEFINITELY not one of them. At least when your mini traveling companions are little. There is quite a bit to pack, many unknowns to prepare (?) for and of course, the whole idea of managing a nap schedule away from home. Yeah, not easy. Totally worth it though. The photos, the experiences, the family bonding as you conquer new ground … always worth it. Even if there are some tired tears and mama meltdowns along the way.
Being an attachment/natural parent has a few perks that make adventures a bit more doable. Or in the least, less frightening. I’m talkin’ about things like babywearing instead of lugging a stroller and cosleeping in a hotel bed because it’s your norm. See? There is a silver lining! And that silver lining has planted a little travel bug in me.
Dominic and I are chatting about a few potential trips in the coming year … one to Texas and possibly another to Idaho. We’re on the lookout for budget airfare and I’m already starting to dream of some sightseeing. 2014, this little family is hittin’ the road!
Truly, I can’t wait to travel with my family over the coming years. I have such fond memories of trips growing up and I’m bursting at the seams to explore the country (continent? world?) with Dominic and our brood — Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, Ellis Island, a Disneyland Cruise, Prince Edward Island, Amish country, Vermont in the winter, the Swiss village where my grandpa was born and so much more! I mean, I’ve even tossed around the idea of roadschooling … then we could really see it all!
Marriott, who is a leading hospitality company with over 3,800 properties in over 74 countries and territories around the world, recently curated some wonderful infographics about a number of fabulous destinations. Top of my list is whale watching in San Diego. I mean, can you imagine? The closest things to a whale Jemma has ever seen is a walrus and based on that, she’d pretty much flip over a whale. Let’s be honest, I would too.

San Diego Whale Watching in America’s Finest City – An infographic by the team at Marriott San Diego Hotels
Doesn’t that just sound fabulous? And since we’re just up in Washington, San Diego is totally in our realm of possible travel.
Where all have you traveled with little ones?
What is your family’s dream vacation destination?
What is your family’s dream vacation destination?
I was selected for this opportunity by Clever Girls Collective, however all content and opinions expressed here are my own.
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Awesome post on traveling! I would love for you to check out my blog to see the trip my family and I took to the Gaylord Opryland Hotel…