Second Annual NPN Holiday Gift Guide & Giveaway {Freshly Picked Moccasins $60 ARV ~ 12/6, 26 winners, US only ARV $2587.26}

If you need to complete your holiday shopping, find a birthday present for a friend, or just treat yourself to something special, the NPN Holiday Gift Guide has something for everyone. But what’s even better, the NPN Holiday Gift Guide is a great opportunity to shop consciously and to support many naturally minded small businesses.
The 55 companies that have provided items for review and giveaway are almost exclusively made up of work-at-home shops or companies that are dedicated to supporting eco-conscious choices. I’m featuring one of those companies in my review below. When you finish reading my review, please click on over to the full Second Annual Natural Parents Network Holiday Gift Guide, where you’ll find information on 58 products. In total, we’re giving away goodies worth more than $2500!
Even if you don’t win one of our fabulous prize packages, please consider spending part of your gift-giving budget at one of these small businesses. By supporting small businesses, you are helping families, boosting local economies, and supporting ethical practices of manufacturing, production and selling. Take advantage of coupon codes provided by many of the companies, you can find them at the full Gift Guide at NPN. 
To make browsing easier, we’ve split the Gift Guide into sections with products that are Perfect for Kids and Perfect for Families. And you can find all 6 Rafflecopter widgets there, too. Without further ado, here is my review – thank you for reading and entering!

This is a joint review and giveaway for a pair of moccasins from Freshly Picked between Natural Parents Network and That Mama Gretchen.

Second Annual NPN Holiday Gift Guide & Giveaway (12/6, 24 winners, US only ARV $2587.26)
This probably comes at no surprise, but Max has chubby feet. Like, the kind of chubby that means shoes don’t often fit. This was all fine and dandy over the summer when he could bop around sans shoes, but now that the weather has turned chilly we’ve had to find something that works. 
We’ve found a handful of styles that envelope is round tootsies sufficiently, but my favorite by far are his Freshly Picked moccasins! I’ve loved on FP before. I mean, they’re just so loveable! So, today I want to share another reason why I adore Freshly Picked. And that’s the woman behind the mocc, because she too, is darling. Just like her moccasins.
Susan Petersen is the founder and CEO of Freshly Picked. She is a self proclaimed entrepreneur, moccasin maker, author, marketing guru, baby maker, husband lover and loyal friend. And I’d jump in and add “gold star encourager”. Susan is one of those successful mamas who has used her moccasin platform to encourage those around her … customers, supporters and other small business owners. If you follower her on Instagram @freshlypicked, you’re sure to see what I mean.

So, whether you love Freshly Picked for the moccasins themselves or the spirit behind them, be sure to add a pair to your Christmas wish list. They’re expertly crafted, wear beautifully and come in a bounty of swoonable colors!

Oh, and the best news … YOU COULD WIN A PAIR AND OFFICIALLY JOIN THE FRESHLY PICKED FAMILY! Details on how to snag a pair of moccs below …

You can purchase your own Freshly Picked moccasins for $60. The Fool’s Gold and Oxblood kinda make me drool. And the Emerald … lordy, lordy! Tell me, what’s your favorite color?

For your own chance to win a pair of moccasins from Freshly Picked, or one of the 26 huge prize packages we’re giving away, come back to this post on November 6th when our Rafflecopter widgets will go live for your chance to enter! Or you can visit Natural Parents Network on November 6th to see and enter to win all of our fantastic prize packages at once!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a sample product for review purposes. 
Amazon links are affiliate links.
 We try to seek out only products we think you would find relevant and useful to your life as a natural parent. 
If we don’t like a product, we won’t be recommending it to you.
 See our full disclosure policy here.


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