The Fabulous Fall Scarf Tour | Homemade is Better

Korrine is a super sweetheart and the main gal behind the shop, Homemade is Better. It’s been a pleasure getting to know her as we’ve collaborated for this installment of The Fabulous Fall Tour. She’s a real treat and I’m pretty much in love with her swanky style and beautiful sewing space!

Korrine and I conducted a little e-interview about her shop which is awesome since you get to hear the story behind her loveliness in her own words. 

— Tell us a bit about yourself and your shop —

Born and raised on grandma-made dresses and thrift shop finds, it only seemed natural for me to learn how to sew clothing from recycled fabric. Homemade is Better was created with the idea in mind that homemade clothing doesn’t have to be dull and awkward. I aspire to constantly offer my customers affordable one-of-a-kind pieces that they can wear again and again. Each item is inspired by current fashion trends and vintage classics. There is nothing better than finding a piece of clothing that expresses who you are and feels great to wear.

— What do you love about creating —

Other than making clothing from recycled fabric, the hunt to find it is my favorite part. I search in the bottom of thrift store bins and garage sale boxes to find the perfect material. There’s something really special about creating clothing from discarded material. You give the material a new look, a new life, and a new purpose. Handmade clothing, art, and accessories carry an energy that convenient store items lack. You know when you buy handmade you are getting something that was cared for and created with someone’s hands.

— How did you get started —

I have been a fan of Etsy for many, many years. I would spend a lot of time going through shops to find things that inspired me. My friends would always encourage me to open my own shop, but I had no idea where to start. Luckily I was in between jobs and had extra time to figure out how to make it work.  Homemade is Better opened on July 25, 2011. Since it’s opening it has rocketed into a place I never imagined it going. I am continually amazed by the love and support I receive from my customers and Facebook Fans. They have been the driving force behind this entire shop. I could not thank them enough.

— Why you’re in the handmade business —

Do it yourself and handmade culture is in the middle of a colossal resurgence. I feel very proud to say that I am a part of a community that takes its’ resources and uses them in a way that is not only eco-friendly, but also practical and fun. I love the energy that comes with handmade items. The feel     of the material, the sound of the sewing machine, or the burn of a glue gun… all of these things create an energy that becomes transferred into your work and your customers feel that energy when they hold your item in their hands for the first time. It’s such a beautiful process to be apart of.

I had the honor of stylin’ up one of Korrine’s fabulous scarves. Isn’t it snazzy? I love the vintage pattern and feel like it adds that little extra something to a simple outfit. What do you think?

Visit Korrine and Homemade is Better on Facebook, Pinterest, and Tumblr and enjoy 10% off your order with code MAMAGRETCHEN! 
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