6th Anniversary Date Night … dress, jc penney’s | pumps, shoedazzle | clutch, hobo | earrings, fossil | cuff, college vintage/don’t remember
A few random thoughts today.
1) 2, 190 days. As of August 24th, that’s how long I’ve been married! Thanks honey for putting up with all my crazy for so long :) I hope you stick it out for many more thousands of days to come.
2) I Instagrammed before I left home in this dress, fearing it was too short. I still can’t decide. I think since it has a high neckline it passes. Granted, if I ever wear it out with kiddos it will be with leggings and flats :) Mom sense.
3) Open back triangle? Is this some kind of new cleavage thing I don’t know about? Also, I should have painted my nails and found some brighter pink lipstick.
4) Between Penney’s and TJ Maxx, I’ve totally amped up my wardrobe with some new treasures. Deals, deals, deals! This dress? $10. That’s a SAHM’s price range if I ever did see one.
5) This is purely for postpartum documentation. After 12 months and 2 weeks of breastfeeding, I’ve returned to my pre-Max weight of 145 pounds. Granted, a different shape/roll formation, but what do I expect after carrying a 10 pounder?
6) And six, since this is my sixth anniversary post … We celebrated with dinner the night before our anniversary at one of our favorite restaurants. I had an amazing barbeque chicken salad with a side of the sweetest baked beans. Dominic had a rack of ribs. Then, cherry pistachio chocolate ice cream in a waffle cone for me and sweet mint for the hubs while we walked by the water. It turned chilly fast though so we ended up just visiting in the car before heading home to the babies. On our actual anniversary we organized the garage. Because that’s where priorities lie after 6 years :)
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HOT MAMA! You are gorgeous! Also, good for you for going out to BBQ in anything but a black t shirt and a bib ;) Congrats, Bossios. It was an honor to be present at your beautiful wedding and I am blessed to have you as friends.
Where did y'all go to dinner? We live in the Oly area and are always on the looks out for some good eats!
Ramblin' Jacks downtown – we've never had anything bad there! It's all SO DELICIOUS!
Aw, thanks :) I so rarely get ready – it's kind of crazy.And yes, I think it's so fun that we attended each other's weddings and now we're having babies all at the same time too!