Tag, You’re It!

Lindsy over at LMR Photos started a fun game of tag last week … I thought I’d join in! If you want to keep it going here’s what you do …
Answer the second set of questions on your blog and at the bottom, dream up a set of 10 new questions. Make sense? Comment if you join in so I can read your answers!

1.  What clothing store do you shop at the most? These days I thrift most of all so it’s a toss up between Value Village and Goodwill. Outside of that, probably GAP. Can’t beat those additional % off lowest price sales!
2.  What apps can you not live without?
A Beautiful Mess is def my top app.
3.  Who is your celebrity crush?
Ben Affleck – specifically the Ben from Pearl Harbor.
4.  If I made you spend $10,000 how would you spend it?
It would all go into our house. Probably air conditioning and then a living room couch and custom entertainment center. Wow – ten grand goes fast!
5.  Describe your dream home. How about a picture instead?

6.  What is your favorite movie and why? Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights – I’ve always loved it, mostly because of the music.
7.  What do you do in your spare time? Spare time? What spare time? When I gather a few minutes to myself I usually opt to sleep or blog or take a hot bath with a magazine.
8.  How old is your oldest piece of clothing that you still wear?
I have quite a few high school sweatshirts that I still wear.
9.  What was your favorite book as a child?
The Secret Garden was a definite favorite.
10.  What is the most embarrassing outfit you ever wore? Until 6th grade or so I rocked overalls way too often. I recall one pair that were lavender velvet and I wore them to my first ever concert (Point of Grace). I thought I was awesome

And now, 10 questions for you to answer!
1. What hidden talent do you wish you had?
2. What’s your dream meal?
3. When at the zoo what animal don’t you want to miss visiting?
4. What’s your favorite hour of the day and why?
5. Before Pinterest, how did you categorize your ideas?
6. What was your best birthday ever?
7. Who is your fave Food Network personality?
8. In high school, what was your favorite subject?
9. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
10. What’s your favorite board or card game? 

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