
nom nom | penguin baby! | reading reached, the third book in the matched trilogy | mr. wonderful + me wearing my scarf from Moriah Makes | couch bike, omg | nap time for one at world market

Loving /// the age of my babies – almost 6 months and 28 months. Max is sitting up, embracing the world and becoming such a little charmer. If you catch his eye he is all grins and laughter. I nuzzle his cheeks 100+ times every day and still couldn’t get enough of him! Jemma is such a contrast between Miss Independent and my little baby. She rarely asks for help, instead, I find her pushing chairs around to reach what she wants. Then, not 10 minutes later she is crawling into my lap asking for a “stow-ie” or leaning in my arms saying “your baby?” which equates to “please rock and sing to me, mama”.

Wishing /// for a shopping spree at World Market, Anthropologie, West Elm and Home Depot … yep, I’ve got home decorating on the brain.

Craving /// sweets! But not just any kind … these cookies are my new daily treat. And, I also whipped up a Paleo breakfast cookies with some coconut flour I bought in the bulk section of the co-op. Those Paleo things shouldn’t even be called cookies. Maybe biscuits. Decent for what they were, but they don’t even rate on the sweet craving meter. Obviously.

Missing /// my Bear. He works from home about half the week and I hate having him home, but not actually HOME. And yes, I call him Bear – short for Honeybear, and I have for years and I don’t care how silly it sounds. It’s perfect for us! P.S. He calls me Bug – short for Lovebug.

Worrying /// about too much. But, I’m handing it all over to the Lord and not giving it space to fill my mind and heart. Well, at least that’s what I’m trying to do and that’s definitely the first step.

Oh, and those cookies I’m adoring? The sweet Dori, owner of Making Mama’s Milk & More, has offered to give a batch to one of you! These lactation cookies are SO SO SO good, organic and some flavor combinations are even dairy-free/vegan. The cookie ingredients are packed full of natural foods and supplements that aid in a healthy breast milk supply. Did I mention they are delicious? I’m having a really hard time only have one each day! Oh, and I vote for the oatmeal butterscotch – hands down my favorite!

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