The Fabulous Fall Scarf Tour | Prairie Pretty

Happy Thanksgiving friends!

I want to wrap up The Fabulous Fall Scarf Tour on a high note with a peek at Prairie Pretty – the Etsy shop my sisters and I started this summer! Prairie Pretty has a mix of simple circle scarves, hair pins, and vintage finds … all our favorite things. And, on Saturday we’ll be giving away a Prairie Pretty treat so read on and come back when you’re out of your turkey coma :)

Let’s start here … Praise the Lord for my serger, it has made scarf making a breeze. If I had two hands free more often I’d be serging all day! Every day I’m shufflin’ sergin’ … Yep, I like to change up songs like that.

Did I ever tell you the story of my serger? I don’t think so, that story may have only debuted on Instagram. Which, until recently was private, but now it’s not! So you should follow @that_mama_gretchen, like now! Anyways, I’d been wanting a serger for a long time. And, although I feel like having a healthy baby is push present enough, I whipped up a push present wish list (a serger was #1) for Dominic knowing full well that he wouldn’t say no :) Sneaky girl, I am.

A few weeks before Max was born my serger arrived – a Costco deal. I’ve been sergin’ in my free moments and love the nifty creations I’ve made. Scarves and burp clothes have been my favorite as of late, but I’m hoping to become efficient in reusable snack bags soon so Jemma can keep her crackers in them when we’re on the go. I also want some similar pouches to keep some of Jemma’s toy sets better contained.

And a little about Prairie Pretty itself …

My two sisters and I grew up on the top of a hill overlooking a field filled with flowers, old orchard trees, and little critters. It was our prairie and we were prairie sisters. Our mama grew up in the farmhouse on the edge of our little prairie and she taught us everything we know about being resourceful and creative.

Prairie Pretty is a mix of that resourcefulness and creativity. We love to piece together treasures that are both pretty and practical; mixing new with old and finding ways to create the things we need rather than buy expensive, disposable alternatives.

Now that we are grown and living in different cities, Prairie Pretty has become the virtual home of our fond childhood memories. Check back often for new handmade and vintage treasures – we’re always trying new projects and can’t wait to share part of our prairie with you! 

Back to the scarves. They’re probably my favorite thing to make right now. Maybe because of the weather. Lately, I’ve been searching for fresh second-hand fabrics to upcycle. I adore thrifted fabric since it makes every scarf special and unique. Wouldn’t you agree?

Use code PRAIRIELOVE for 15% off any purchase at Prairie Pretty
And don’t forget to come back on Saturday to enter the giveaway!
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