{Just About} Everthing You Need to Know About Babywearing

I am proud and honored to be a volunteer with the Natural Parents Network (NPN), a community of natural-minded parents and parents-to-be where you will be informed, empowered, and inspired. When you visit the NPN’s website you can find articles and posts about Activism, Balance, Consistent Care, Ecological Responsibility, Family Safety, Feeding With Love, Gentle Discipline, Healthy Living, Holistic Health, Natural Learning, Nurturing Touch, Parenting Philosophies, Practical Home Help, Preparing for Parenting, Responding With Sensitivity, Safe Sleep, and so much more!  

Today I would like to share some bookmark-worthy posts that highlight all aspects of babywearing. These posts were featured on the personal blogs of the Natural Parents Network volunteers and are some of my favorites. We hope you enjoy reading these posts as much as we enjoyed writing them. We are always looking for new volunteers so please, contact us if you are interested. Just a few hours per month can help other mamas in a huge way!

Benefits of Babywearing/Reasons To Babywear

Types of Carriers/ Choosing A Carrier

Babywearing Safety

Babywearing How-Tos

BabywearingToddlers/More Than One Child

Personal Babywearing Stories and/or Photos

Babywearing Series/Multiple Topics

Babywearing – Other Interesting Topics

A special thank you to Erika Hastings of the blog Mud Spice for creating and sharing her babywearing art with the world!

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  1. SarahJane Miller says

    Just found your cute blog through the giveaway. I am your newest follower :) Would love for you to stop by and follow along if you'd like.sjdmiller.blogspot.com

  2. says

    i look forward to going through these posts…I've had the hardest time finding information about baby wearing with an infant with hip dysplasia–I desperately want to find the right baby carrier but i'm so nervous about moving her hips out of the proper position…if you happen to know of a good article to lead me to first i'd appreciate it!

  3. ThatMamaGretchen says

    I'll ask around!

  4. ThatMamaGretchen says

    So, after asking, come to find out that one of my NPN friends was born with hip dysplasia. She recommended a belly-facing wrap like the Didymos as it should allow the femur  to go straight out at a 90 degree angle from the hip. Hope that helps some! Has the doctor had any recommendations?