H.O.T.T. Goodwill is My Friend

Linking up with the lovely Mandy for High on Thrifting Thursday!
This week was a super thrifting success – I’m in love with my finds!
  • Sweetest vintage patchwork quilt
  • Nursery rocker – thinking of staining the arms and perhaps reupholstering
  • Anthro “J” teacup for Miss Jem

And … Jemma smiling and saying “geeees” (rhymes with keys and means “cheese”) for the camera while browsing the book section. I’m raising a little thrift-loving girl :)

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  1. SadieDear says

    Too cute! I love the teacup so MUCH! My little one loves thrifting, too. He asks to go to the thrift store! That's my boy. =)

  2. Songbirdsandbuttons says

    LOVE that chair! What a steal!

  3. says

    you got that quilt for $1?? i've been searching for quilts and can't find cute ones, much less for under $20!

  4. ThatMamaGretchen says

    It was originally $1.99, but it was orange tag day so it was 1/2 off – seriously couldn't believe it! Keep your eye out … you'll find one!

  5. says

    i am so excited for you for your amazing finds! perhaps a little too excited as its been some time since i have been able to get my thrift on. ;)

  6. says

    LOVE the quilt! And love that you're raising a little thrifter. My daughter is 4 and she already knows the deal! ;)

  7. Colleen Panzer says

    Aaaah, one of the items on my thrifting bucket list is a vintage quilt. I've found baby quilts, but I want a full sized one! You're so lucky!

  8. ThatMamaGretchen says

    I'd love some bigger ones too – this one is a crib size. Perfect for Jem and her couch snuggles, but it barely covers my legs :)