September Sponsor: Six Cherries on Top

Have you had a chance to visit Joni from Six Cherries on Top yet? If not, I highly recommend it! She’s one of my newest reads and I’m really loving her sweet spirit and family adventures!

Hi, my name is Joni and I am the SAHM of six children, ages 13-2. I started this blog after we found out I was pregnant with our sixth child, Elijah. Being a blended family, he was what tied us all together and made us what most people like to call the modern day Brady Bunch.

Last month I started a new series call Big Family, Small Budgetwhich is absolutely fabulous. This weekly series is based around practical ways to save money and  live on an average families income and still be able to enjoy the important things in life. Whether you are a large family like we are or a single parent with one child, you are sure to get something out of it.

I will also be bringing back my weekly series, Fat Butt Friday where I share my healthier lifestyle journey, including weight loss, healthy eating, and exercise. Join me, or just stop by and say “Hi!”

Links: blog, facebook, twitter, pinterest, instagram: mamacherry
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