Buying Handmade

Fee over at It Won’t Be Like This For Long recently shared this lovely quote:

When you buy from boutiques and small businesses you are not helping a CEO buy a third vacation home, you are helping: a mom put food on the table, a little girl finally get those dance lessons, a little  boy finally get to be a part of the football team, a young lady get a new dress for her big dance, a fad get a present for his wife for the first time in years this Christmas.

Isn’t this so true?!?!

Many handmade shops are run by people just like you and me and it’s so easy for us to support them. Blog about the shops you love, buy their products for your children and your friends birthdays, shop handmade for the coming holiday season. Small business are a crucial piece of our country’s economy and if we all do a little, just think of the impact that could be made!

So, as much as I love me some Target – I’m going to be doing my very best to spend more purposefully. Will you join me?

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