Rockabye Baby! Review & Giveaway

4th of July brought a mini road trip to our family and what’s a road trip without a little road trip music?

Enter Rockabye Baby! …

Hey baby! Are you ready to be rocked steadily to sleep in the rings of Saturn? No Doubt made it out of the tragic kingdom by always giving their fans something different. Like parents with their children, Gwen and the boys know exactly what’s good for you, even if you don’t know it yet. These lullaby versions of No Doubt’s biggest hits are hella good. Your child is going to love relaxing like everyday is Sunday morning.

We rocked out to Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of No Doubt and are in love with these hip lullabies. It’s the perfect music to make the whole family happy!

Rockabye Baby! wants your family to be happy too :) The winner of this giveaway will have their choice of any Rockabye Baby! CD. To enter, leave a comment with your favorite! You can find all the options here. Def Leppard is their latest release and The Beach Boys is next on our list!

Visit Rockabye Baby! on Facebook and Twitter for extra giveaway entries. Leave a comment for each entry (total of 3).

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  1. says

    I know this isn't one of the cd's but 'we' love Barenaked Ladies – Snacktime!

  2. says

    I would love the beach boys one!ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  3. says

    My fav would actually be the No Doubt one!

  4. says

    I think our favorite would have to be Renditions of Madonna! Perfect way to introduce Dakota to Madonna :)