Project 31, Day 3

She Breathes Deeply

Who is someone you know who inspires beauty?

My parents have done a marvelous job inspiring true beauty. In days where stick skinny and plastic perfection scream their popularity, my parents have found a balance in allowing my sisters and I to be in the world but not of the world.
I owe them tremendously for encouraging my self-confidence. They have taught my sisters and I to recognize true beauty and develop our own; all while sharing it with others. My Mom is truly gifted in this. She helps me to be a better wife, mom, sister and friend. She leads by example and therefore, inspires me to emulate the characteristics which surround beauty – peace, patience and grace. My Dad deserves a pat on the back as well. It is no easy task to raise 4 daughters and maintain a healthy relationship with each. Over the years he has been a strong shoulder to cry on, a welcome ear for our problems and an encouraging voice always reminding us to focus on our inner beauty.  Masculine beauty is often forgotten, but it is a crucial component in creating a safe place for little girl’s beauty to blossom.
Thank you Mom and Dad for inspiring beauty. I am blessed to have you in my life!
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  1. says

    "Masculine beauty is often forgotten, but it is a crucial component in creating a safe place for little girl's beauty to blossom."this is the most awesome thing i have read all day. so so true.

  2. says

    That is so great. I hope to inspire my kids the same way. : )

  3. says

    What a heartfelt dedication. I hope they get to read this. :)

  4. says

    What a wonderful post…and I love how you described your father's beauty. What a testament to your parents!!

  5. says

    Such a fabulous post!! I have some parents who have inspired great beauty in my life as well!And your header picture in WONDERFUL!