What does beauty mean to you?
Since becoming a mama I think I’ve discovered a new form of beauty. Beauty is those tender moments before Jemma drifts off to sleep in my arms. Beauty is the love Jemma and her Daddy feel when he squeezes her tight with hugs and kisses. Beauty is in the conversations Jemma and I have each morning as she wakes up. Beauty is knowing our Heavenly Father loves Jemma more than I ever could imagine. These things are all uniquely beautiful.
True beauty can not be seen.
True beauty is felt.
True beauty is felt.
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This makes me so excited to be a momma! Great post!
Everything changes when we love a child :) I look forward to following you on this beautiful journey!
this reminded me of when my mom used to tell me that God loved me more than she ever could. This baffled me because I loved her so much. It's amazing how much he loves us.So beautiful!Loved your answer!God Bless,Amylou
Wonderful post. I STILL love watching my 'baby' sleep even though she is 20 months.New follower..http://penelopeblue.blogspot.com/