The Start of Our December

Since J Baby’s birth I’ve been a bit lacking in blog posts. What can I say, she is much more entertaining than blogland :) So here is a recap of our December thus far …
Shopping sure is tiring! Good thing Jem has an auntie who is always willing to carry her.
 Out and about … love our Baby K’Tan for downtown window shopping.

Found this sweet elephant at Wind Up Here toy shoppe … definitely on Jemma’s “like alot” list.

Christmas tree hunting … it was SO WINDY, Jemma didn’t see a thing because I had her bundled up. Next year will bequite different, I’m sure!
We decided on one of the first trees we saw. Jemma was screaming with hunger and that sorta thing really puts a damper on family traditions.
SUCCESS! Thanks Daddy :)
We broke out the playmat and it has been a hit. Jemma even grabbed one of the dangling rings!
Daddy always has a unique way of parenting … he was quite impressed with his mad “prop up the baby” skills.
Toothless smiles … melt my freakin’ heart!
The champ of tummy time :)
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  1. says

    Guthrie had those same baby legs that Jemma has in the pic with Hannah!! So very cute!