I ordered some bamboo/wool cloth nursing pads with a hemp middle. They are supposed to be amazingly absorbant and easy to just hand wash each evening. Do you have any experience with cloth nursing pads … or nursing pads in general. How many should I have on hand?
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I love your title banner! I am a brand new follower, hope you'll follow back! http://questfortheperfectclothdiaper.blogspot.com…
Hi! I'm a new follower from Wed. Blog Hop- Your blog is SO cute! I am really looking forward to reading more of your posts :) Come visit at threecrazymunchkins.blogspot.comLauren
My favorite pads were Lansinoh. They were really slim so they didn't show through my shirts but man oh man were they absorbent! They managed to last me all day. You want to plan on probaly two sets a day though to be safe.
I hated breast pads – so I only used them when I HAD too… so I would rather pack an extra top than wear them. Luckily, after the first week or so having my milk in, I leaked very little. Only if she would sleep a extra amount of time.I used the washables and disposables from madela. II would think that having a few sets a day for a few days would be plenty. 5 or 6 pairs. THey are small and can be thrown in a washed every time you do a load, and with the little one that will be a lot.
My only advice is to only get a couple and see how you go. I did a bunch of research and had a huge box (also Lansinoh) and then I never leaked. Ffor days I would put them thinking that I needed to (for certainly if I didn't I would leak and then regret not having them in). I finally realized I just wasn't a leaker! :) So I have a whole massive box or two sitting unused. I haven't given them away yet cuz I'm not sure if subsequent pregnancies will be the same or different… but if I don't use them in the first week or two next time around, I will surely pass them on. Oh, and nipple cream was the same for me. Never needed it. My best advice on stuff like this is that whatever you *think* you need (I like to be prepared too) just buy small amounts and then you can always get more if you need to. :)
Lansinoh, Id keep 2-4 sets on you at all times, pack a few sets in teh hospital bag just incase as well!