I started listening to the CD that came with the Hypnobirthing book I purchased awhile back. I’ll admit … it is very relaxing. So much so I drifted off to sleep in the bathtub while I was walking in to my “peace sanctuary”. Not sure if it will do the trick in labor, I tend to be pretty aware of my surroundings, but we’ll see. Through our Bradley Method class and now Hynobirthing I am learning that relaxation is key to pain management during a natural birth. I’d recommend checking it out if you are preparing for labor.
Rachel over at Silver Spoons, Paper Plates recently gave birth to her daughter, Evangeline, and wrote a great synopsis on her experience with Hynobirthing. I’m sensing that we aren’t complete hyno-mamas, but it’s definitely one of those resources to keep in the labor arsenal!
Will I be a hyno-mama?
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Hey silly – there's a typo – It's called Hypnobirthing! :) haha!!
Ah! Good catch :)