Let’s face it … middle of the night diaper changings happen. They happen often. I want to be prepared and Andaluz Mama Rachel recommended a stash of baby gowns to make my nightlife more fun. Well, at least a little easier :)
I found these lovely, bright colored gowns by Makrista Baby and fell in love. Seriously, aren’t these colors 100% times better than pastel yellow and green? Then again, am I really going to be able to tell if it’s a cool color at 2 am in the morning?
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Adorable! And, you'll get a lot of use out of them. I think the color matters, hey, if it puts a smile on your face at 2 am, then it's worth it :)
Those are great…I am anti "baby" baby clothes. Not too many puppy prints or pastels. Ben always ended up with those sleepers around his waste and his little legs seemed cold.