
My co-worker, Kami, has the vibe. She gets what I mean when I get passionate about breastfeeding and knows why cloth diapers are so darn exciting :)

Last week she gave me Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering and it has skyrocketed to my top favorite baby books. It is written by Dr. Sarah Buckley, MD who is an Australian family practice doctor who birthed her 4 children at home. She has a very real perspective on the life transition of birth and I like that it covers birth and how that ties into Motherhood.

I just finished the chapter that evaluated a number of “normal” screenings, tests, and interventions in U.S. obstetrics. Her philosophy is to ask “B.R.A.N.” before committing to any procedure. Whatever your beliefs about the birth process I felt this was a responsible way to learn what exactly is going on with regular and non-regular pregnancy procedures.

B – What are the BENEFITS?

R – What are the RISKS?

A – What are the ALTERNATIVES?

N – What if I do NOTHING?

Throughout this book I’ve been jotting down questions for my next midwife appointment. A number of them relate to this BRAN method of evaluation … I’m starting to develop an opinion about procedures that will be coming and want to cross-reference with their knowledge. I’ll be honest, this book is a bit scientific for me, but I’m trying to understand … if it is going to happen to my body and my baby it is well worth my effort to re-read a paragraph every now and then :)

The other day Dominic and I were driving home from Panera (our favorite study/computer work place) and I was reading him my list of questions. I got to the BRAN part and began to explain it … he interrupted me, practically yelling, “BENEFITS, RISKS, ALTERNATIVES …. and, uh, … WHAT IF I DO NOTHING!” I sweetly smiled at the careful attention he has given to my ongoing baby blabber. “See,” he said, “I do listen when you tell me things.” That he does, that he does. Thanks, babe!

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