This + That

Max and I are home from Disneyland and what an amazing trip it was! I LOVE the one on one time with my littles – they just come alive in a new way when it’s just us :) Forever and ever I’ll treasure those magical days.

Now, the Christmas countdown! I did so much prep for the holidays before I left and arrived home with just wrapping and baking to do. Well, and the tree. We finally ventured to the forest this weekend – I wrote all about harvesting your own tree from a national forest for Seattle Refined – and plan to decorate soon. Probably the latest we’ve ever done that! But hey, rushing is not the vibe of our Christmas. We want calm and happy! So, if we decorate on Christmas Eve … so be it!

I’ve been gathering a little this and that to share so here it all is! Links of goodness. Probably the last one of the year!

Been watching Siren on Hulu lately. So good!

Cookie baking brilliance! Can’t wait to try it!

Toxic mom-manager to encouraging soul builder … such a good read!

How to raise mentally healthy kids.

All about mixed-age play … it’s a must!

I’m in love with the Family Films With Sam e-course. I’m working on my first video and can’t wait for the kids to see it when I’m done. Use code GRETCHEN to save $5 :)

The first peek at our Disney trip … holiday treats!

New place for discount audiobooks, such good deals!

Top Three Habits for Homeschooling Moms, love this!

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