2018 Summer Bucket List

In the vein of my word of the year, the kids are crafting seasonal bucket lists. Well, that’s the plan at least, we’ve got our summer one ready and come fall and winter, we’ll brainstorm for those too. Bucket lists are great because they give us all something to look forward to, and, as you’ll see, apparently give me a real pass!

summer bucket list

The things they want to do when they think of summer fun are easy! Their dreams are doable. They have no Instagram or Pinterest to compare summer adventures – and that’s really lovely. They just want to be together, eat good food, and explore a bit. I learn so much from them.

Here’s our unofficial (because we all like room to wiggle and add and change!) 2018 Summer Bucket List … 

VBS Camp

Vacation Bible School reigns supreme for Jem and Max. They’re signed up for two different ones and CANNOT wait.

Swim Lessons

We’ve been out of the swimming game since we moved a year and a half ago. Pretty sure they’ve lost everything they learned. Going to try a two week intensive to hopefully jump start things and get them confident in the water once again.

Ice Cream

They didn’t really specific if they want to make it, go to a specific place, or just have it around at home. If you ask me, we will hopefully do all three! Do you have a homemade recipe that’s worth trying?

Popsicles on the Porch

This was a very specific request. I guess summer isn’t summer until you sit on the porch with a popsicle!

Pirate Ship Park

This is what they call the playground on at Boulevary Park near Wood’s Coffee in Bellingham. It’s a fun one and definitely worth the drive, especially since my favorite brewery (and their amazing happy hour) is close by.

Oly Water Fountain

It’s a splash pad in our old town and hopefully we’ll be able to trek their for a run in the water.

Crab Beach

Our neighbors have a beach spot they’ve invited us too and apparently there are lots of crabs there. So, naturally, the kids are scheming to take buckets and collect crabs together. 

 What are you all up to this summer?

We’ve got our list on display so we can reference it often. It’s fun and it’s simple. Mamas, summer can be waaaaaaay easy if we let it be. 

wood shelves

^^^ House peek! ^^^ Slowly I’m settling us in. We’ve been here 6 months now and with little ones and my freelance work home projects aren’t always on the top of my list, but, Dominic built be these shelves and favorite decor has landed well. If you love it as much as I do, pin it :) 

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