This + That


I’ve hit a lull lately, here and in real life. I’m craving quiet. So I have been.

But, I’ve collected a bit of things between my reading and browsing and thought I’d pop in to share. There are a few other things on my radar that will come in due time. Eventually I’ll have an onslaught of house project debuts! Right now, they’re all somewhere between 10-50% done. Slow and steady, steady and slow. 

For now, a little of this and a lot of that … happy Monday!

I shared about the True Colors Personality Test in my Instagram stories awhile back, it’s free and so fun to do with your kids!

Best Denim For New Moms <<< this could get me out of my leggings. Maybe.

Definitely going to try this indoor plant hack.

One of Joanna Gaines first home tours!

Jemma’s new bedding – pretty much made for her!

These are fantastic.

Love me some Disney tips!

Goodness. I feel this hard.

Homeschool Philosophy Quiz <<< I scored highest in Unit Studies, Montessori, Charlotte Mason, and Unschooling. Overall though, I think I’m definitely an eclectic homeschooler … I pick and choose based on our season of life and each child’s needs/interests.

Oh heavens, this screams spring. I wish it came in Jem’s size.

Place your next online purchase by visiting Ebates first and get a free $10. Over the course of my Ebates “life” I’ve gotten back over $600!

A gorgeous chapter book.

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