Five Favorites


If you’re in the sick slump of winter, never fear, we are too. #solidarity

For a few weeks now it has been sniffles scattered with worse, but I’m pretty sure we’re all on the upswing and I’m so very happy. Sick kids are precious to snuggle for a day or two, but when it goes on and on from one to the next, it’s just tragic. 

We’re in a good swing with school though and I’m getting more unpacked and more settled in our new home everyday. The big kids sweetly fight over Eli all the time and I don’t blame them – he’s entering such a fun phase! Reid especially loves telling me all about his “baby”. Eli is super in to picture books lately and Jem adores turning the pages and reading aloud to him. We recently reviewed 123 You Love Me and No Hugs For Porcupine (giveaway for both here!) and I’m sure these are only the beginning of he and Jem’s reading snuggles. Love my little readers! 

Speaking of books …

I’ve been on the hunt for a full Bible for Jem. We love The Jesus Storybook, but this girl is ready to search Scripture! I finally found the perfect one for her and I’m so excited to watch her dig in.

I’ve been rotating through a few different laundry detergents and finally found one I’m sticking with. Dare I say the honeysuckle scent makes laundry a happy affair?!?

If you were a Dr. Quinn fan back in the day, I reckon it’s time you get the whole series on DVD like me! Next, I want the Little House on the Prairie box set for Jem to enjoy.

My desk space is getting spruced up and this plant hangar just arrived! Just have to hang it now :)

I spend a lot of time doing laundry (hence my hunt for the perfect soap!) and I told myself that I’d splurge on a Steele Canvas hamper once we were settled. But, when it came down to pulling the trigger, I couldn’t spend $150 on a hamper. So, I read a bazillion reviews and this Amazon find seemed to be an equivalent at a third of the price. It arrived (completely assembled!) and it’s definitely a winner! 

 Affiliate links included. Don’t miss other faves in my curated Amazon shop!

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