This + That

 succulentsSpring Break has arrived and with that new porch plants, room swaps (my nemesis and constant companion) and a busy, busy, super busy week! My calendar looked at me and rolled its eyes. I told it to suck it up. What does it expect? For me to be on a beach somewhere? That was so 2006.

Literally. I spent a week of 2006 in Puerta Vallarta with Leah. And yesterday, instead of pina coladas and surf side books and naps, we made our way to Insurgent and Chipotle. Remember our Divergent mom date? Kind of the same thing. Kind of.

Truly though, Leah and I have a pretty swell time wherever we go. So, instead of planning another mom date whilst she is on Spring Break we’re hightailing it to Seattle with the three kids. Nothing like a minivan full of crazy, skipping naps and adventuring around a big city to spell F-U-N! While we survive and prayerfully survive, here’s a peek at awesomeness I’ve been saving just for you. You’re welcome :)

Happy Spring Break! If you’re tropical bound, have a pina colada in my honor! Or a margarita! And swim with a dolphin! I’ll just be over here reorganizing the homeschool room. It’s getting another make over

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