Last week I wrote about my car supply box over at Baby Gizmo and I thought it would be fun to share a video on the same topic here! Awesome freeze frame, I know … karate chop those emergencies!!!
Did you make it through the whole video? Hope so! What would you add? What do you keep in your car supply box/kid emergency kit?
Also, if I put together another vlog, what might you want to hear me babble about? I’m taking suggestions! Just leave a little note of your idea in the comments :)
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I actually keep febreeze in my trunk because poor Mr. Liam has been carsick so many times! I have a puke emergency bag and then my a kit that includes almost everything like yours! And first aid because I tell you, if there is a place to fall, someone finds it! And hand sanitizer. The world is soooooo gross! Lol!
since my kids are a little bit older we don't really need any essentials other than making sure that i have a snack wherever we go. because it is inevitable that one of them will be 'starving to death' after five minutes.
Ha! Yes! I still need snacks for me because I too, have that "starving to death" problem :)