The holidays are pretty quiet around our house when it comes to visitors. Most of our close family is at least a state away if not half the country, but we are all doing our part to help grow relationships amidst the miles that separate us.
One such way is this nifty DIY family tree. It’s the perfect way for our babies, toddlers, and preschoolers to practice name and face recognition. This DIY is super simple. As a mama to my own baby and toddler all my projects must be completed within the span of a nap or two. This one totally fits that description. Happy crafting!

STEP FOUR | Turn your tree over so you can just see the black outline on the reverse side. Rip your scrapbook paper into various sizes and begin gluing. Make sure you overlap all the black lines.
STEP FIVE | Roughly cut around your tree, flip, and cut along your black line for a close cut trim.
STEP SIX | Pull out your trusty Mod Podge and apply a coat to your scrapbook tree. Allow to dry and apply a second coat.
STEP SEVEN | Once dry, glue your tree to your presentation board. Add leaves, and outline to create a border.

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