12 in 2012: Book Update

I’m really not one for full-fledged book reviews. 
I read purely for relaxation and don’t expect a whole lot from a book, just a story. 
Just a moment to pause my life and delve into someone else.
I always read in the bath tub.
I’m trying to read all the novels on my bookshelf that I’ve carted around forever.
Then I’m passing them on and sticking with the library.
I’m whooping my 2012 reading goals like no other and that makes me happy :)
Totally earns 5 stars! I saw the movie first and still really appreciated the book. Beautifully written and I love that the author had memories of her own “help”.
Not quite a novel, but still a great read. Could you fit all your belongings in your car and live similar to the Amish? No power, no cars, planting all your own food? This couple did! And they even grew their family to 3 during their adventure! A great read to realize what is truly important in life and find ways to simplify.
This poor novel has been on my bookshelf for eons. I finally dug in and actually really enjoyed it. It’s Biblical fiction and follows Dinah, Jacob’s only daughter. She becomes a midwife which is an interesting element and has a resilient personality through many hardships.
A love story that doesn’t really feel like a love story. This could so easily become a movie it isn’t even funny. Enough suspense, twists and turns, and dynamic characters. I flew through this book and will definitely keep my eye out for others by the author.
Just finished reading Stephanie Meyer’s THE HOST – oh.my.word. Plus, it is going to be a movie in 2013 so you must start this one soon so you become an expert on souls and hosts like me :)

Up next are my two library holds … Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet and The Forgotten Garden! In the meantime I’m starting The Birth House which many of you recommended. So far, so good – thanks for the recommendation, send more when you think of them!

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  1. says

    LOVED Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet!

  2. says

    Ooh Looks like some great books! If you would like to lend them out I would love to read any of them :)

  3. says

    I really liked Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet!

  4. ThatMamaGretchen says

    I totally would, but I borrowed them all from friends or the library!

  5. says

    Aw bummer! Well I will add them to my list to check out soon :)

  6. Victoria G says

    Oooooh. I read The Help, and I loved it! I'm also starting The Host!!

  7. Hannah Barnhorn says

    Loved the Birth House!

  8. Samantha says

    The Red Tent is probably my favourite book ever – I remember that account in the Bible and wondering how Dinah really felt about her brothers attacking that city – I love this kind of fiction.