Woombie Review & Giveaway

Miss Jemma sound asleep in her Woombie!

When I was expecting Jemma I loved researching about all the tricks of the motherhood trade. One such trick I found was the Woombie – an award winning baby swaddler.
The Woombie is made of soft cotton with a bit of stretch. This allows babies to feel secure without being confined as they transition from “womb to world”. In regards to safety, the Woombie follows pediatrician and SIDS guidelines, maintains airflow (so no overheating), eliminates loose blankets that could cover airways and prevents face scratching. The Woombie prevents unnecessary waking due to the Startle Reflex, soothes little one’s battling colic, promotes natural motor development and it’s easy to use!
Miss Jemma was getting squirmy when I whipped out the Woombie. She flailed around as I tucked in her legs and then arms. As I zipped up the Woombie I couldn’t help but think she looked like a little caterpillar baby wrapped in a cocoon. Then, before I knew it, Jemma was calm and quiet staring at me oh-so-sweetly. Moments later she had drifted off to sleep. THE WOOMBIE WORKED!!! She loved being snuggled up all womb-like. And why wouldn’t she? She spent 9 months all tight and warm, so naturally, she would still love it. We are mega fans of the Woombie and will definitely be ordering the next size when she is ready.
Interested in trying out the Woombie for your little one or a little one you love?
First, I would recommend reading their FAQ page. It has some awesome information on the benefits of swaddling and how to best utilize the Woombie. Second, enter my very first giveaway … an original Woombie!
All you need to do is leave a comment sharing who you would wrap in your Woombie and what color you like the best! (Jemma is wearing ButterCup). Don’t forget to include your email address!
Follow That Mama Gretchen through Google Friend Connect
Blog about this giveaway and leave the link
Vote for me on Top Baby Blogs
Little Details
This giveaway will be open until November 2nd at 11:59 pm PST (Jemma’s 1 month birthday). Open to US and Canadian residents only. Winner will be chose by Random.org and announced on November 3rd by email. The winner will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner will be chosen. 
Jemma and I were provided with the Woombie at no cost in order to complete an accurate review. But keep in mind, our positive experience and recommendation can’t be bought at any price … we just loved the Woombie!
Since only one of my readers will be lucky enough to win a Woombie you are welcome to buy one for yourself if you don’t win. At only $26.99 for the original (and $27.99-$29.99 for the deluxe options) it is definitely a worthwhile investment. I know, I’m a sleep-deprived mother :)

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  1. says

    I would swaddle my baby to be….coming next year! I love the sage color!what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

  2. says

    I love the idea of the convertible woombie in banana cream, big baby size… and I would use it for baby E once he's born… hopefully soon ;)

  3. says

    Ahhh, so precious! She does look like a little catepillar — it reminds me of this glow catepillar thing I had when I was little, except Jemma is much cuter!If I won a Woombie, I'd be wrappin' up our baby girl that is due in November. She still doesn't have a name, otherwise I'd share it. Ha. I would like the buttercup — it is a very cute, easy-on-the-eyes color.rr.malmberg at gmail.com

  4. says

    ooohhh…i want to win a woombie! i am 37 weeks pregnant with my second child. my son, who is now 3 1/2, LOVED to be swaddled and we did so until he was about 16 months old. i like the paprika color best.girl.in.a.box@gmail.com

  5. says

    i also voted for you!girl.in.a.box@gmail.com

  6. says

    I'd love to give a Woombie to a friend who is on her way home from Arizona to Washington from picking up her adopted new born baby boy, Jackson! The "lil Rockstar" Woombie would be perfect for him!

  7. says

    Oh and I also am following you on google friend and voted for you on Top Baby Blogs!

  8. says

    I'd wrap on my new niece or nephew in it!Thanks!fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

  9. says

    Google Friend Connect Follower! {mom2anutball}fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

  10. says

    I voted for you on Top Baby Blogs!fineinsanity (at) live (dot) com

  11. Barbra says

    I would go with fresh pineapple! My first son is due November 17 so he will be the one I wrap! blair9903@yahoo.com

  12. says

    When Dakota gets here in Jan. she would love to be snuggled up in one of these Woomies! Any color would be awesome, but if I had to choose then the lavender or bubblegum would be perfect! Mama Gretchen I also follow you on Google Friend connect and I voted for my favorite blog at Top Baby Blogs!!!

  13. says

    Gretchen, did you read The Happiest Baby on the Block, or better yet see the DVD version? Swaddling is the 1st S, of the 5 S's on ways to calm a crying baby…basically mimicing the womb for the 1st three months with methods like swaddling, the side/stomach hold, sshing ( white noise), swinging and sucking. Glad to hear the swaddling calms Jemma down! I'm due on Christmas and hope to use all these techniques, the Wombie looks like a quick easy way to swaddle.Lauren

  14. says

    I'd love to win a Woombie, but I would have to give it right back for Jemma, seeing as this mama won't be sportin' a bump for a while.

  15. says

    one of my friends is pregnant with her first baby, and i would love to give this to her for her shower!! i love the baby green color!erinnicole14@gmail.com

  16. says

    i voted for you on top baby blogs!erinnicole14@gmail.com

  17. says

    Oh, why not?I voted for you.And I'd swaddle little Elliot, once he's here. :) In the tahiti, fresh pineapple, or mint colors.

  18. says

    Oh! I want a woombie for my next baby!!! (And I like the buttercup one too!) themommyhoodmemos @ gmail . com

  19. says

    I'd wrap my sweet Madelyn in it. She LOVES to be swaddle to sleep unlike my other 2 now 11 and 6. Following you on GFC and I voted for you, too, to have the best baby blog!