
I’ll start this off by saying loud and clear … I AM NOT A SODA DRINKER. I leave that task to my hubby who should own stock in Pepsi. Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi to be exact. And for those who fear I might OD on caffeine, dont’ fear … I am taking this craving in moderation.
Bottom line – I can’t get enough of Thomas Kemper’s Root Beer and Vanilla Cream. I even have a Vanilla Cream at work today to help me make in through a case of the Mondays.
Soda has a long history in my family. It was considered one of the privileges gained with age. Every year on our birthday we gained one privilege and one responsibility. Privileges consisted of first slumber party, driving, ear piercing, and drinking dark soda. Responsibilities were things like dishes, laundry, babysitting, and taking out the mulch (AKA compost old-school style). We played a role is setting the age for each privilege and responsibility and I deemed slumber party and ear piercing way more important than soda so I waited until my 10th birthday to officially welcome dark soda into my beverage options. Fortunately, by this time I was so enamored with sprite, orange, and ginger ale that dark soda never really took hold of my taste buds
Lesson learned … depending on the spunk of your kiddo, I highly recommend this privilege/responsibility birthday initiation model (thanks Mom and Dad for dreaming this up, I’m sure my kids will thank you too). It gave me something to look forward to each year and it ensured my understanding in the link between privileges and responsibilities … rarely does one come without the other. The biggest part was I had control (with my parents blessing of course). If I had wanted dark soda at age 8, I could have had it then, but I chose slumber parties as a priority. I wish I could find the list where I proposed each privilege and responsibility. I recall “cooking on the stove” being one of the big ones along with “staying home alone”. I am pretty sure I also put “get married” at age 18 on my list, when you are 7 years old and creating a list of these things 18 sounds forever away and very grown up :)
All that to say, pick up a case of TK and say a little prayer for baby and I … we have many years of mother/child privilege and responsibilities negotiations ahead of us. Cheers!
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  1. says

    Remember somebody barfed at your slumber party… that wasn't on the list ;)