For years I have intended to compile a comprehensive baby registry guide. Something about raising five little ones has kept me from taking on such a large project though! But, it’s time! I’m so very excited to feature a big ol’ collection of my tried and true baby items with links galore. I hope you find it to be a valuable resource.
Feeding a baby has to be one of the biggest tasks of a lifetime! Around the clock for months … often years. You’re on call physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is both a chore and gift.
For a dozen years now I’ve been either pregnant, nursing, or pregnant and nursing. In fact, my youngest is still nursing so I suspect I’ll add some time to that tally before I fully graduate to regular ol’ family meal planning. All that to say, when it comes to breastfeeding, I’ve got some favorites to share!
*A quick little disclosure* You will notice that I do not have any bottle or formula feeding resources included below. I wholeheartedly believe that fed it best, but I haven’t personally experienced bottle feeding with formula so I’ve left that section of things out. My baby registry guides include only things I have used and loved so I wouldn’t want to just guess and lead you astray.

Nursing Support Pillow
The Boppy I got with Jemma lasted through all of my babies! It’s a must for those early feeding days when baby is small. You might not think that a newborn weighs much but while nursing it’s great to have all the support you can get. I actually like to have two or three nursing pillows (it’s easy to find these secondhand or share among sisters/friends) – one upstairs and one downstairs.
If I hadn’t had a Boppy I would have gotten a Snuggle Me Organic nursing support pillow. I love their products and the covers are so soft!
Nursing Pads
Here you’ll want to take my advice with a grain of salt. I’m a heavy leaker early on so, for me, I found what kept me dry and stuck with it. That was the Lansinoh nursing pads. Others just didn’t cut it.
When at home I would opt for washable nursing pads since leaking didn’t matter as much and it was easy to do nursing pad laundry alongside cloth diapers. For washable options I liked the nursing pads from Bamboobies.
Breastfeeding Books
So much preparation goes into labor and birth, but relatively speaking that is a very short event when you compare it to the days/months/years you’ll spend breastfeeding. Buy The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding and study it … hard. It’s a gem of a resource.
Other books I have read and recommend specifically related to breastfeeding are:
- The Nursing Mother’s Companion
- The Nursing Mother’s Guide to Weaning
- Nursing Mother, Working Mother
- Mothering Your Nursing Toddler
- Nurses When the Sun Shines
Nothing beats in person support though. Make sure you connect with your local La Leche League group, a lactation consultant, and/or a breastfeeding mentor mom. Nursing really is an around the clock endeavor and it isn’t fun to go at it alone.
Nursing Tanks + Bras
Three pack for $25 – cannot go wrong! I used these with Charlie and then passed them on to my sister and she says they’re her most favorite ever. I also love Target’s old Gillian & O’Malley tanks. I suspect the new Auden ones are similar. Hit up a Just Between Friends sale though and just buy a variety to try out. That’s how you save money in this department!
I have used the Bravado Bliss for more coverage/support while still avoiding underwire too. My favorite nursing bra hack though is to use Nordstrom’s alteration services to have your favorite regular bra converted to a nursing bra.
Breastfeeding Pump
Over the years I’ve used too many different brands/styles/models of breast pumps. Some suck … and not in the good way, and others are total lifesavers.
My favorite full-size pump is the Motif Luna. I consistently get great output from this pump and really like the comfort-style flanges. I tell everyone to forget the main brands you hear about and go with this one and everyone ends up thanking me for my advice!
If you’re on the lookout for a wearable pump look no further than Momcozy’s S9 Pro Hands Free Pump. It has a long battery life, charges with a type C, and has multiple levels/modes for maximum expression. I so wish I would have had a wearable pump when I was working in an office years ago!
When I travel with just a carry-on and need to conserve space I take my Motif Duo. I have an older version so I can only imagine that this new and improved one is even better. It is so small and does a great job! Not as good as the Luna – I’m guessing because it has more power due to size – but maybe this new model boosted all that. Anyways, the size can’t be beat and I’ve used it successfully on multiple trips. Even inside the Baby Center at Disneyland!
Elvie Curve Manual Breast Pump
Ok, I didn’t have the Elvie Curve until Charlie and cross my heart it is a GAME CHANGER. While breastfeeding this little thing tucks into your bra on the opposite side, gently suctions on, and catches your letdown while drawing out a bit extra (from the suction). I built up quite a freezer stash this way. Such a genius invention … every mama needs one!
Nursing Pain + Discomfort
Thankfully my breastfeeding experience has been pretty pain free. I have had some, we’ll say, lumps and bumps, over the years though and these things have been wonderful in getting through and getting on with my breastfeeding journey:
- Silverettes – An investment, but so good!
- Cabbage – Yes, cabbage from the produce section. Use this sparingly for engorgement. Just chill in the fridge and apply a leaf inside the cup of your bra.
- Lansinoh Breast Therapy Pads – Can use hot or cold.
- Legendairy Milk Sunflower Lecithin – A hefty dose of these and plugged ducts disappear.
- Earth Mama Nipple Butter – great ingredients.
- Hot Hands – If you have a plugged duct and need to keep heat on it to help loosen it up, these work wonders when family duties keep you from soaking in the bath.
- An IBLCE Lactation Consultant – Remember, breastfeeding should not hurt. If you’re having consistent discomfort, cracked nipples, etc. it’s time to get some expert eyes on your situation. xoxo
Nursing Mat
What is a nursing mat, you ask? Well, let me clue you in on this absolute essential! What I call a nursing mat is technically a large reusable, washable underpaid often used for incontinence. It’s just a waterproof mat that doesn’t shift or make noise though. I love having one on my side of the bed for side-lying nursing sessions. Baby can nurse and dribble, I can leak, baby can spit up … all the things … and it doesn’t require changing the sheets.
Later on, when you don’t need a nursing mat anymore you can use it for potty training and bedwetting. I’ve even found it useful when a stomach bug rolls through our family. Total must.
Ok! Did I forget anything when it comes to breastfeeding? Chime in and if I think of anything else I’ll come back and update too!
Otherwise, pop over to another section of my Ultimate Baby Registry Guide:
- Breastfeeding Essentials
- Postpartum Musts
- Technology You’ll Love
- Furniture For Babies + Toddlers
- Go To Gear (Including Babywearing!)
- Learning To Eat
- Cloth + Disposable Diapering
- Toiletries + Bath Time
- Clothes, Shoes, + More (Including the Best Blankets!)
- Baby’s Little Library
You can also find links to many of the items I’ll be sharing in my Amazon Storefront. They’re all compiled in the Baby Registry section. Purchases made through those links help support my writing as I earn a tiny percentage, so, thank you in advance!